1/48th Boeing B-52H Stratofortress
Evening all,
I thought you may be interested to see my latest 'work in progress' - Sanger's 1/48th scale B-52 vacuform. I've been plodding on with the engines and wings, and the accompanying pictures show my progress so far. The basic engine nacelles and their pylons are made, but there's still plenty of detailing to be done. The wings have had their internal spars made from 2mm plastic card to give much needed strength. I'm currently making the out-rigger bays before the wing halves can be joined and work can commence on the fuselage.
As usual with kits of this nature, it involves a lot of head-scratching and problem solving, but these are usually overcome with plenty of filler and plastic card!
I've probably made life a lot harder for myself by opting to lower the flaps, but these aircraft are often seen on the ground with them deployed so I thought I'd go for it.
I know HPH have got one in the works currently, but I love big vacforms and don't fancy taking out a mortgage to purchase a 1/48th kit so this was by far the better option. I must say I'm loving it so far.
Eventually, it will be completed as a current in service H-model so I'll need to stock up on some grey...
All the best,
I really like the internal structure of the wing. I'll be watching and trying to learn a few things as I opted for the D. (Just love the tall fin and Vietnam camo over black!) Dropping the flaps reminds me of Darius Aibara's Sanger B-47. Lots of work, but it will look fantastic when done!
Many thanks. I was considering a Vietnam-era D but I do love the newer H version with the larger engines.
In regard to the flaps, it’s the apertures in the wing which are going to be the challenging part - the flaps themselves will be relatively easy to make.
The insanity! The insanity! I love it.
Where do you keep all these monsters when completed?
All my large models reside in my attic. I’ve got large industrial- style shelving in the gables which allow for some overhanging wings and tails, etc!
Wow...this is gonna be gargantuan. By the way, just what ARE the dimensions of a 48th scale BUFF anyway...?
(a ceiling hanger I'm assuming).
It will be approximately 4ft across the wings.
I won’t be hanging her up though - she’ll reside in the loft with the rest of my large builds. Luckily, the trap door to the attic is large enough for this to get through with some twisting and turning!
I'm with Craig. WOW!
Absolutely beautiful! Must be huuge in this scale!
Each wing is approaching 2ft. Not an easy one to manoeuvre on the workbench!
What a monster!
I don't envy you the size, or the building of a vac-form kit! Take more effort than I'm generally willing to contribute - but looking forward to seeing YOU do it!
Wow, what a project. God bless You on this one. Cant wait to see this big "BUFF" complete.
What the BUFF, that's one huge project ! Have some fun along the way as I look forward to seeing her done.
It's just insane, as Tom said before. I'm currently working on a vac Fokker F.32 in 1:72 and I thought that's big. No: my F32 is a tiny little nonsense in comarison with this monster. Good luck and lots of mojo for the BUFF!
I thought about getting the Sanger D model, but chickened out, once a Revell-Monogram 1/72"D" came my way! Major props to you for building one!