The B-52 Database at iModeler

13 articles
  • Items tagged with B-52
  • 13 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 12 months ago

Boeing B-52 Stratofortress - the Buff

Academy 1/144 B-52H

I'd say another teeny gem by Academy but it ain't so teeny. It's still a gem tho, with outstanding fit and surprising detail given its scale...they even give you canopy masks in the kit. Decals are tiny and numerous but they are easy to [...]

AMT Boeing B 52 conversion

I bought several of the AMT kits when they were released, they molded an early G, but not an early H. I decided to convert a late H to early, not so hard to do, slight remodelling of the nose and removal of ecm bumps here and there. The [...]

Monogram B-52C

I built this kit in 1980 as a camouflaged Vietnam aircraft, then decided to re-paint as the C model included on the old microscale sheet about ten years ago. Well recently it lost a few wheels so decided to repair it, picked it up and [...]

Cold War WarriorBoeing B-52, Bomber Command Group Build

When I resumed modeling a few years back, I decided to try to build airplanes that were significant to me, either airplanes I had flown and worked on, or those that just grabbed my attention. The Boeing B-52 holds a special place in my [...]

Desktop BUFF/X-15

Here’s a blast from the past from Atlantis, the B-52/X-15 combo kit. Originally produced by Revell, Scalemates says the mold goes back to 1954 for the B-52 and the 1:175 scale combo was first issued in 1961. I wish Atlantis reissuing [...]

Great Wall Hobby 1/144 B-52H Stratofortress (L1008)

The GWH B-52 is a great model. The fit is excellent and the surface details are appropriate for this scale. The only curiosity is that, although the builder has the option to pose the bomb bay doors open, there are no bombs to put in it. [...]

Review: Academy 1/144 B-52H Review

1/144 Revell B-52G – 51st Bomber Squadron

This is the Revell 1/144 scale B-52G. This was built for a gentleman at work who actually was part of the air crew on this 51st Bomber Squadron B-52G. The specific squadron decals and the base decal we made by myself. It was painted off [...]

So what's everyone using for dayglo these days?

I got the great Atlantis B-52 X-15 re-pop for Christmas, and am looking for a good fluorescent orange/red-orange to use. I know there are more choices out there these days, so any favorites? Rob

NB-52 with X-15, Atlantis

This is Atlantis models reissue of the old Revell 1/174 kit. Not to much detail, there never was, but they did provide two types of stands and improved the decals. You can also choose to use the external fuel tanks for a SAC version, ala [...]