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Boris Grgić
42 articles

Eduard 1/48 Fw-190A-8

July 29, 2018 · in Aviation · · 10 · 2.6K

Eduard's Weekend edition...weekend my a**. Kit is detailed, complex and sometimes frustrating, many times tempted me to just close all the doors and hide insides to simplify the assembly. For me it was something like child labor - painful and full of curses, but in the end you forget all the pain and suffering and just stare at beautiful model. Out of the box.

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10 responses

  1. It's a beautifully finished model, Boris. The camo looks great. It's very similar to the profile on the inside cover of the FW 190 A series released by Profile Publications back in the 60s. Maybe one of the blackmen has disconnected the aileron cables. Paul.

  2. Looks like the pain was worth the effort I say. Looks good Boris.

  3. Is that sweat stains I see on the paintwork...?

  4. Could be Rob; Eduard kit and hot summer nights in a room without AC are exhausting combination.

  5. Beautiful model to "stare at" indeed - despite the trials and tribulations - well done, Boris!

  6. These are the awful Eduard Fw-190 kits. Anyone who finishes one deserves a medal.

    The new kits: Fw-190A-3, Fw-190A-4 and Fw-190A-5 so far, are like models from a different universe. Eduard learned their lesson. They're not so complex, fit is perfect, and they even managed to design the landing gear so it is impossible not to get the right "sit." Those who want the additional detail these older kits sought to offer can get excellent Brassin aftermarket parts, which also all fit right.

    I commend you for your accomplishment with a kit I threw in the trash halfway through out of frustration. But don't let it color your view of the new ones.

    • thx Tom, seems I have a nose for picking 'bad' kits. My next build will probably be Spitfire or Lagg-3, so I'd appreciate advise on which kit to choose or avoid.

  7. Well, you got the "stare at a beautiful model" part right! Came out looking wonderful.

  8. Ćao Borise!
    Nice model you got there... but please take care of ailerons. On 99% of aircraft they cannot be both up or both down as in your case (like Flapperons). Unlike elevators or flaps which move in the same direction on both sides, these buggers move in opposite directions.

    • Cao Milos,

      I’m aware of the mistake. At first I thought I’m putting flaps in open position, only later I realized they were ailerons and cannot be in this position. I had this discussion before. I don’t want to damage the model so I’ll wait some time for glue to weaken before correcting this mistake.

      1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

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