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Michal Walusz
20 articles

1/48 Hobby Craft P-59A Aircomet

September 7, 2018 · in Aviation · · 11 · 2K

Hell Folks

This gallery for my Aircomet that was completed some time ago mid April. This is kit from Hobby Craft, that I upraded by adding some spare PE in the cockpit and resin wheels. Kit goes together straight forward, not to many parts in it.

Kit manufacture: HC1439
Type: P-59A "1st US Jet Fighter"
Extras used: True Details resin wheels, some spare PE parts from Eduard.
Paints and colours used: Tamiya Olive Drab and Natural Grey, Gunze Interior Green, Tire Black and Silver from Tamiya.

Reader reactions:
10  Awesome

4 additional images. Click to enlarge.

11 responses

  1. Lovely work, elegant looking and really nice clean lines. Great job, Michal.

  2. nice finish on this one - like the look!

  3. Don't see a lot of these built...nice work.

  4. Well done, Michel.

    My Father flew one of these P-59s after the (newly formed) United States Air Force donated one to the Purdue University Aeronautical Engineering Department, around 1949-1950. He said it used almost every inch of the runway at the Indianapolis Airport to take off. He remarked that he didn't think it'd EVER get off the ground and flying, but when it did it was the fastest plane he ever flew. (Until then, the fastest plane he'd flown was an F6F Hellcat.) Since it was only a "ferry flight" from Indy to the Purdue airport in West Lafayette, Indiana, he only flew straight & level for the short flight. (65 miles/100 kilometers)

    I WISH there were pictures of the event.

    Anyway, yours is a great model. And with machine guns, no less! Well done, my friend.

  5. Great looking model! I always thought the Aircomet was an elegant looking "first jet."

  6. That's different
    Like it

  7. I like your paintwork. Nice tight demarcation line between the OD and NG. How did you mask it?

  8. Another great looking aircraft. And as has been said - not so often built despite being a significant part of aviation history! Well done on a cracking build!

  9. That kit is such a dog, and you have managed to turn it into a silk purse of a model. Great work.

  10. A plane that never gets the attention that so many of the German "Luft /46" ones get but, this plane actually made it off the drawing board and into the air. Nice work and thanks for sharing.

  11. Also, take a look at a Su-25 and then look at this. More than a passing similarity. I wonder what the Russian engineers were inspired by.

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