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Charles Whall
17 articles

My little tribute for the Great War 100 anniversary

September 27, 2018 · in Diorama · · 8 · 1.6K

Hey folks, its been a long time since I posted anything here! My one and only amour project built as a commission for a friend. This is the 1:35 MkIV Male kit with new resin track, guns and scratch built rails, un-ditching beam and base. I quite fancy having a go at the Tamiya offering now...hmm...

Reader reactions:
5  Awesome

9 additional images. Click to enlarge.

8 responses

  1. Outstanding, Charles! When I joined the Army as a young PFC, my first duty assignment was to A Co., 4th Bn., 37th Armor and the unit crest we wore had one of these tanks on the emblem. For pretty obvious reasons, we called them "Pickle Tanks!" Those were some brave men going into battle in them!

    Your rendition is absolutely wonderful and is set on a great base.


  2. Looks great! Nice little dio.

  3. Wow. Just wow. Amazing work.

  4. Good lookin' little vignette ya got there, Charles...nice job.

  5. Charles. Small but very expressive. Nice model and presentation.

  6. Superb concept and execution.

  7. Beautiful build. Could/should be made into a life size monument. Great skills, Charles.

  8. Excellent! Love all that potential energy just begging to be converted into kinetic! What a tension...

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