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Allan J Withers
201 articles

Eurocopter Tiger ARH, A38-005 ZULU, 1st Aviation Regiment AAC, Robertson Barracks NT 2008.

1/72 , a few modifications and additions, finished in MM and other enamels with Future and Xtra flat over and kit decals, built for the Year of the Cat GB, more pic's there !

Reader reactions:
6  Awesome

5 additional images. Click to enlarge.

16 responses

  1. I like that camo scheme, Allan...nice work. 🙂

  2. Thanks Craig, you got in early, I was still adding text !

  3. Stunning - it just looks sleek and ready for business. Great, great build!

  4. Great job , Allan! Color scheme is real nice.

  5. Another beaut, Allan. Looks like you went all "whirlygig" on the Cat build!

  6. Love the model, nice clean built.

  7. Looks great, Allan!

  8. I have to echo these compliments Allan. A very nice build and a wonderful addition to the "Year of the Cat" GB.

    Thanks again for your support during the Group Build.

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