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Dennis Meyers
108 articles

M1A2 Abrams Tamiya 1:48

October 31, 2018 · in Armor · · 11 · 2.2K

Another nice and tidy '48 kit of a plain vanilla . So, this was a nice no- frills project. The only finicky issue I had was with the length and link tracks that were slightly too generous. Painting the tracks also was more complicated than most armor kits because of the rubber pads on the outward and inward side of the tracks. Overall, though, it was a good project and a nice addition to my collection.

Reader reactions:
7  Awesome

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11 responses

  1. Nice job...I'd have guessed it was 35th scale!

  2. Yep, following Craig again. Very nice, lovely crisp build, Dennis.


  3. VERY nice, Dennis! You've captured all the best details.


  4. Looks great! in the armor scale I can deal with.

  5. Looks great to me ! Well done. You now have compliments from two former US Army tankers. Jeff Bailey and I. Jeff spent much more time in the type than I did. We had the M1A-1's though.

    Your model really looks fantastic.

  6. Nice build. Details look great.

  7. Fabulous piece of metal...opps its plastic. But u finished it so well that it looks like a real steel war machine. Great the change in scale from 1/35. Need to try one of these.

  8. Looks great! Nice subtle weathering, and the work on the tracks paid off.

  9. Hello Dennis,
    Looks exactly like the real one.Regards, Dirk / The Netherlands.

  10. I love it , I was a driver for the m1a1 in the gulf war and love every bit of it. If I had to do it all over again I SURE WOULD THATS HOW MUCH I LOVE MY COUNTRY AND FREEDOM AS WELL AS THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ! ! !

    • I'm with you, George! I'd be there in a heartbeat. What was your unit in Desert Storm? @georgeta925 I was the Platoon Sergeant of the 1/4th Cavalry, part of the 1st Infantry Division ... the Big Red 1. "If you're gonna be one, you might as well be a big Red One!"

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