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Manuel Magrinho
80 articles

Messerschmitt Bf 109 G6; Revell, 1/32

October 17, 2018 · in Aviation · · 10 · 5.4K

I've done a lot of improvements (whell bay, landing gear, engine, engine compartment, panel lines, riveting…)
The cockpit is almost completely an Eduard kit. Although it was for , it wasn´t for this particulary kit, so I had to made extensive changes to acomodate it.
At the end it turned out ok.

Reader reactions:
16  Awesome

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10 responses

  1. Stellar workmanship,

  2. I have a feeling you're going to "leave a mark" on iModeler, sir. Welcome aboard. Stellar work!

  3. Thank you for your kind words.
    That´s my first work after 30 years of pausing. Made a lot of mistakes, but had much more fun

  4. Wunderschön! Beauty.

  5. VERY nicely done, Manuel! That sure is great work after a 30 year break for coffee!

  6. I like the cockpit very much, it’s ligh years from the remaining plastic of the old 1/32 Revell mould. Modified or AM stuff?
    I had this kit in the late 80s or so but never got around to build it. Your effort is much better than what the box offers. The only remark is the yellow nose, which I believe was not found on the real aircraft Graf flew

    • Thank you.
      Yes, I've done a lot of improvements (whell bay, landing gear, engine, engine compartment,...)
      The cockpit is almost completely an Eduard kit.
      Regarding the yellow nose: Graf's most known plane used to had a kind of flames painted but, prior to that I think it was yellow.
      I'm not completely sure about it but, as I didn't had the skills to paint those flames, it went yellow.

  7. Lovely 109! Looks great.

  8. Nice detals. Good work.

  9. Brilliant work, Manuel!
    It just goes to show that good modeller can even make a Revell kit look stunning! ?

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