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October 23, 2018 · in Armor · · 17 · 2.4K

I just wanted to share some steps of my from HobbyBoss before final reveal.

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3  Awesome

12 additional images. Click to enlarge.

17 responses

  1. Looking grand, Steve. Look forward to the Headline show. Some interesting techniques in there; be good to get a full WiP of one of your builds.

  2. Nice Steve. Makes me want to do one myself now. Coming along nicely.

  3. Nice work goin' on there...gonna be a beauty.

  4. You might want to change the color of the barrel. If you want it to be in primer then it should be a dark grey color

  5. Great looking kit, you are doing extremely well, congratulations!
    Just a thought: the track links used on the turret (your last photo) as spares and to reinforce it aren't suposed to be metal color?
    Keep up the good work and dont forget to show us the final reveal

  6. Outstanding Tiger, Steve! You have done a wealth of tiny details, and done them well.


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