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Mee Wan
76 articles

1/1500 scale WTC paper model

November 15, 2018 · in Diorama · · 12 · 18.3K

Good day to all ,

Before this I posted an article regarding a smaller scale model of skyline as a tribute to 911 , I then wanted to make another bigger zoom in version of the area near (World Trade Center) in better detail with accurate building form and texture. I searched for some paper models of it in a forum which had many source about the buildings. I downloaded few pdf file texture and printed it paste it on a cardboard and fold in accordingly to make the building form. So this is the result of the WTC model with surrounding building blocks to give the sense of what the area looked like pre 911. Personally for me , the towers were majestic yet simple for its time , they may not exist in real life but atleast I have the miniature version of it to appreciate.

Thanks !

Reader reactions:
81  Awesome

18 additional images. Click to enlarge.

12 responses

  1. Spectacular work!

  2. Mee,
    Beautiful, but poignant, and thought provoking.
    Well photographed also.
    Thank you.
    Robert Bausch

  3. Beautiful example of architectural modelling.

  4. Excellent Diorama.
    Would be interesting to compare with the Situation after 9/11 before the new WTC was built and now wit the new WTC and may be even an old one before the TwinTowers.

  5. thanks an architecture major i really love skyscrapers this one in particular I've also uploaded a youtube video about it.

  6. PAPER?! On card?! Awesome, Mee Wan!
    Your tribute to this part of history is outstanding.


  7. Very nice piece of real estate, worth billions in real life but would not fit anyones bench for sure 🙂 Well done!

  8. That is spectacular. I want the files for those to build myself. Got them?

  9. How did you get the front of WTC7 so shiny? It looks like real glass!

  10. Hi, please can you tell me where did you get the gateway plaza apartments?

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