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Marvin Reyes
30 articles

AVRO CF-105 Arrow (1/48th)

December 14, 2018 · in Aviation · · 20 · 6K

I built this model a few years back; it's the re-release of the CF-105 Arrow. I think this kit is OOP, and is a bit hard-to-find these days. As many of you are familiar with Hobbycraft kits, you know that they are pretty basic, and sometimes downright crude. This kit of the AVRO Arrow is basic, but builds OK.
Perhaps the worst aspect of this kit is the decal sheet, but not much aftermarket so I used kit decals.

One thing about the Arrow is the unique clamshell canopy which opened into left and right halves, unlike most canopies, for sure. I was able to cut open the kit canopy, to pose it open. Since the cockpit was very basic, I scratched the cockpit to lend some interest.

I painted the model using Model Master enamels to replicate the scheme found on Arrow #203, which had a total of 13.5 hrs flight time, made over 12 flights. This aircraft, along with four other airworthy airframes, and one unfinished one, was the victim of politics in the Canadian government, and was subsequently destroyed, along with specialized tooling used to make the aircraft. As far as is know, only a few pieces/parts were spared the recycling bin. A full-size replica has been built recently, but I'm not sure who owns it, or where it is today.

The CF-105 was a beautifully aircraft, that featured cutting-edge technology. It was designed and built in Canada for defense of the Canadian airspace. Since the premature death of the Arrow, other aircraft (mainly American designs) have been used to patrol and defend Canada's sovereign airspace. Perhaps this is a clue as to why the CF-105 program met an early demise.

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13  Awesome

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20 responses

  1. Beautifully executed Arrow! Wow! I love the Arrow and I saw the - not too hystorically correct but cool - movie several times. have the older HC kit in half-made for year as I want some improvement but the original kit is very-very basic (the newer version also as I know). I hope sometime I'll have an arrow similar beautiful as Yours! Excellent work and paint job!

  2. That is the whitest white I’ve seen for a while!

  3. It’s a whitey white. Really pops! Great skills with a basic kit!


  4. From what I have read the Arrow was a promising designing that would have been a direct competitor to the U.S. aircraft industry. Had the design been allowed to develop and mature it may well have done so. But, the expense and the kindness of the neighbors to the south ...and cheaper Voodoo's... Voodoo economics (politics) conspired to silence the engines of this promising aircraft. Why on earth would something of historical significance be destroyed. The Brits had the TSR-2 another promising design that was at least placed in a museum. The X-35 and the YB-49's where another pair of advanced aircraft that where completely destroyed for reasons that can not fully be explained.

    Lovely model. Great finish and build there is no confusion on what this kit is. Hobbycraft kits where/ are like CA models. Being Canadian there subjects always had a theme of being what else Canadian and they chose subject matter that wasn't always being manufactured by the bigger companies.

  5. Stephen: The CF-105 Arrow design had a tremendous amount of potential; it's too bad that the Arrow program was cut short before that potential was explored.

    Merry Christmas!

  6. Marvin; what can I say?! This is a marvelous model of an amazing aircraft. The jet that SHOULD have been made. Too bad for the Aviation world - but nope: politics (and money) killed it. Politics. Harrummmph!

  7. Nice build, beautiful aircraft, would have looked good in ADC colors.

  8. Very nice work Marvin, and a kit not often seen. You did a great job specialy with all that white involved. The Arrow has captured my imagination for a long time and the same kit you've build is still in my stash. I bought it during one of our vacations spend in Canada, followed by several books on this subject. During one of our Canada tours I managed to buy the jubilee books on the Arrow rollout and the tremendous specialy developed Iriquois engine rollout. Book filled with original photos on these subjects. I also remember visiting the now closed Canadian Air and Space museum located on Downsview airport, Toronto. They had a lot of the remaining parts of the real Arrow, original aerodymic test models etc. and a full size mock-up inside the museum. Very impressive to see. The museum has now closed permantly and the full size mock up is recently relocated to Edenvale. Not sure what will hapen with all the original artifacts. Still must have some digital photos from our visit there. I'll try to find them and post them if there is intrest.

  9. Wow! Ferry you are so fortunate to have seen the remnants of the Arrow program. I think I saw some bits/pieces awhile back when I visited the air museum in Calgary, but nothing spectacular like the stuff you saw. From looking at all the pix of the Arrow, it was a huge airplane that was spectacular to behold.

    We all wish that the Arrow would have been built, but, by this date, it's usefulness would have been over...we still have fond memories about a program that almost made it.

    Merry Christmas!

  10. A full size replica was built for the miniseries The Arrow starring Dan Aykroyd as Crawford Gordon, president of AVRO Canada. It went to a museum that had closed last I heard. I have started one of these but it seems normal styrene glue wasn't working on mine as seams split while sanding. (I was also able to pull the assembled cockpit apart as well, almost as if I had used Elmers glue. Any issues with yours?

    • Josh:

      Thanks for the information on the replica build...very interesting.

      As far as the Hobby Craft kit, it went together OK, with no issues with the glue. I normally use Tamiya extra-thin cement, but when a stronger bond is needed, I use Testors (in the black plastic dispenser).

  11. 🙂 … Greetings … 🙂 :
    This one just pop out Marvin, I am very pleased too see this one'
    The ARROW has always been an interesting aircraft too me.
    Nice paint job.

    • Thank you, DE4EVER...I really appreciate it. For an aircraft that never reached operational status, the CF-105 lives on in the memories of admirers everywhere. Even though the program was terminated early, they could have consigned the airframes to museums, or something. Such a waste, indeed.

      Merry Christmas.

  12. Looks fantastic! I've got this kit also, and love the shape of the Arrow. I'll get around to it one day - hopes it looks as good as yours when done!

  13. Very nice Marvin. I have one that is ready for paint but became intimidated about brush painting all that white. I started using an air brush a little while ago so I think its time to get back to it

  14. Beautiful build Marvin. That paint job is spectacular. I built a couple of the 1/72 versions a while back. The canopy is the weak link in the 1/72 version. Your 1/48th canopy looks way better with the sharp defining edge at the front. I can't imagine how awkward it would be for the pilot to enter the aircraft with that design.

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