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G. Ley
29 articles

Corsair in the Palms

December 23, 2018 · in Aviation · · 8 · 2.2K

This superb diorama is not my work, but the work of master modeler Terry Davis who graciously consented the use of these photos. To wit: "Yeah, go ahead, I have no problem with that." This is his -1D skimming the jungle foliage.

Here is his description of his techniques:

"The palm trees were made using aluminum tubing and epoxy putty. The palm fronds were made from index cards, painted and wired for stiffness. I ran a length of coat hanger in the one tree to support the aircraft. The leading edge of the wing was modified to accept a piece of square tubing that would be the anchor point for the coat hanger wire. I was attempting to create the illusion that the aircraft was inflight and not support by other means. The spinning prop was made using a tinted clear acetate which I sprayed yellow to represent the prop tips. The “coconut structure” was made using materials that I found at Michael's craft store. Those are not wing walks, they are kit decals applied per the instruction sheet. I have no idea what they represent. Unit markings maybe? - Terry"

Reader reactions:
13  Awesome

10 additional images. Click to enlarge.

8 responses

  1. Convey my congrats to Terry for a beautiful presentation...nice work, sir!

  2. Visually a stunning representation of a Corsair in a low level attack run. Well done!

  3. Terry has made a fine diorama. The whole thing is well done and interesting, with just a little bit of questioning to find out what happened when the tree limb met the speeding wing. Probably nothing, but ...

    Please convey our thanks to Terry for letting you show his excellent dio, Mr. Ley!

  4. Reminds me of Paul’s ‘Down in the Trees’ diorama...

    This is lovely, dynamic, and gorgeously built.

    ‘Liked’ x 10

  5. Now that's one impressive dio. I like it.

  6. stunning work

  7. Really excellent and extremely creative.

    Those are wingwalks. Later removed from production, but the early F4U-1/1A did have them.

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