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Mee Wan
76 articles

1/72 scale RMAF Sukhoi SU-30MKM

January 29, 2019 · in Aviation · · 6 · 5.2K

Goodday to all ,

This is the Sukhoi MKM of the Malaysian variant which is still in active used by the air force to this day , the Malaysian variant has few customized features such as revised cockpit , offset IRST , RWR antenna at wings and tail wing , MAWS antenna , Laser warning antenna which is located at rear wing air intake area. In order to make the MKM version resin set conversion and decals set is a must to make the model as accurate as possible.

The conversion set applied to the model is resin component from NMA model art supplier and customized RMAF decals from Unik models.The construction was a little tricky as a portion of the original canard wing placement needs to be sliced away to add in the more accurate resin component. Other components that used the resin conversion set are the TVC nozzle which is pointed downward (during on ground mode) and add on antennas at various position on the aircraft.

The RMAF scheme was in all a one tone color which is in greyish scheme , for the model aircraft I used C335 Mr.Color for the overall body paint and a lighter tone of C73 for the nose section. After painting , I applied the decals followed by a coat of semi gloss to protect the layer for panel wash stage. The panel lines were then added using a post shading technique via Tamiya black accent panel line , since the real reference of the aircraft didn't resemble the aircraft being over weathered , by using that method in my opinion was enough to make the aircraft appear to be in a used state without too many weathered effects. After that , using Zippo oil and AK spirits I washed off the excess panel lines and then attached the weapons also using the same painting method.

Overall , this is my first built of the sukhoi RMAF SU-30 MKM which is an elegantly designed flying machine , I am quite satisfied with the result and hope to make another version of it soon with improved methods applied to it. Thanks !

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9  Awesome

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6 responses

  1. Beautifully done, Mee Wan! It looks REAL and quite ready to takeoff into the "Blue."

  2. Excellent workmanship in such a small (ish) scale, sir...well done indeed.

  3. Excellent build! Nice details and finish work. Well done.

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