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Charles King
130 articles

(AGGC) Anti-Gravity Go-Cart

January 13, 2019 · in Sci-fi · · 15 · 3.2K

Yep! Another . I can't seem to get enough. I tend to want to turn everything in to a floating subject.

For this conversion, I used the Revell Ford GT vehicle and did some major surgery to it. The original engine was very basic block engine. But the overall design made this a sweet candidate for a super bad and awesome looking anti-gravity vehicle. Lots of small misc. from my 'box of tricks', was used to give the engine a more brutal look.

Since I did the F1 hover race car(found on this forum as well), I just went ahead and did one for the Le MANS racing fans. The anti-gravity pods simple scratch builds using odds materials from household materials and parts from other kits. So far, I think the look says it all. Hope to finish this up in a week or two. waiting for a figure to go along with this bad***! See you when it is done. Enjoy the photos.

Reader reactions:
6  Awesome

8 additional images. Click to enlarge.

15 responses

  1. Great work as always, Charles. I could tell it was yours before I saw you name...

  2. That is very cool, Gary. I love the idea and the execution.

  3. Very imaginative and well done project, Charles...always nice to see your stuff.

  4. I always appreciate it if someone is focussing on a topic like you do. And so creative! Very good work and big inspirational input!

  5. You gotta get to know Stefano Marchetti over on FB Charles! You're right up there with equally crazy. 🙂

    This is amazing.

  6. REALLY well done, Charles.

    I've never seen one of these models ... they must be special order from the Racing Ford Dealership. LoL!

  7. Great job! I love the "real " cars of LeMans...but this it's great project !

  8. Just updated this from the original:

    1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

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