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Adolfo Coelho
12 articles

Protar Greeves 360 Challenger, scale 1/9 – Finished

January 7, 2019 · in Automotive · · 13 · 2.6K

"Tubes", "cables", etc, all done. Consider the Greeves finished.


Reader reactions:
6  Awesome

13 responses

  1. Looks great, Adolfo!

  2. Must be a brand new bike...not a speck a dirt on it ! 🙂 🙂

  3. Es agradable ver una réplica de las motos que montábamos en los 70. Ha quedado muy real.

  4. Nicely done Adolfo, I like it.

  5. exotic bike, exotic manufacturer, exotic topic - I appreciate your freedom to look for non standard topics. Great build, Adolfo!

  6. Thank you Jeff, Craig, Tom, Michael, muchas gracias Julio.

    "I appreciate your freedom to look for non standard topics."

    @ @michaelg34

    I guess that by "non standard topics" you mean non-aicraft nor armor building.
    Have done enough of those in the old days I suppose, so guess it's now time for some non-military related buildings 😉
    As long as I'll have some more of these on my stash I probably will keep on this path 🙂



  7. beautiful...i want to ride it...reminds me of the old yamaha 125cc

  8. Absolutely excellent. Anyone building bikes is a GOOD person. The fact you do them so well elevates you to greatness, Dolf!


  9. A great job, an interesting model, but for me it is very clean, that bike asks for dirt and mud to be in its environment.

    It's a joke, a great job.


  10. Nice looking bike build. I love those 1/9 motorcycle kits.

  11. Profile Photo
    said on January 7, 2019

    Great stuff brings back memories. I can smell it ?

  12. Thank you very much all of you you guys, really appreciate the kind and motivational words 😉



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