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How to illuminate a model – PLASMO's 1/48 Trumpeter Douglas DC-3 [VIDEO]

February 15, 2019 · in How-to · · 7 · 4.1K

We learned to like and enjoy Plasmo's model construction videos on Youtube, and this one, featuring 1/48 Trumpeter DC-3 in Alaska Airlines livery is no exception.

However, I found this video special because it provides a more or less complete guide to using lightning, electric motors and electronics to illuminate and animate a plastic airplane model. Very useful if you want to try it at some point. · on youtube

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15  Awesome

7 responses

  1. Thanks for posting this, Martin...very "enlightening" - 🙂

  2. That is a work of art. Holy cow! Why does it appear so effortless for him and mine are all so labor intensive? It's a labor of love, so I guess it's worth it.

  3. Martin, great lesson!

  4. It's hard to find fault with anything David Damek does. To model so well AND shoot video takes it to a very high level. I really don't know how he does it!

  5. I love watching David's videos. He's very skilled, and I always learn something new that I want to try.

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