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Tom Bebout
142 articles

IPMS Roscoe Turner Indianapolis Annual Model Show

March 10, 2019 · in Show Reports · · 16 · 2.7K

Had an enjoyable day attending the annual Roscoe Turner model show in Indianapolis this Saturday. A very well attended show with over 600 models on display, plus plenty of vendors with good deals to be had. Below is just a small sample of some that caught my eye. Even more fun was meeting several iModelers for the first time. It was a pleasure to finally meet some of the folks whose work I've admired here on iModeler. Thanks Martin for creating one of the finest modelling sites on the world wide web, in some respects this site truly is a family.

Since none of the members I met weren't in a Federal Witness Protection Program I had permission to post their mug shots which I like to refer as the iMod Squad. First pic going from left to right is Rick Wilkes and Juan Benitez. Second is Jeff Bailey and yours truly with the P-39 shirt. Great guys and together we could have talked about plastic for several more hours but the restaurant we were in had to close at 2PM and unfortunately they didn't sell adult beverages. Good day was had by all, and bonus was I scored a 3th Place win with my P-40N and another 3th Place in Collections with my Allison Mustangs. They all are Accurate Miniature kits in 1/48 scale. Juan also scored some awards but since having a senior moment I can't recall in what categories. Looking forward to attending again next year, hope you enjoy the pics.

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9  Awesome

45 additional images. Click to enlarge.

16 responses

  1. It was great meeting up with Tom, I’m sure we’ll get together again at the Cincy and Dayton shows. Juan and I have been friends for at least 20 years, he’s the fella with the mustache.
    Another great job by the crew at Roscoe Turner IPMS.

  2. Some interesting work displayed there...thanks for sharin' 'em (AND the faces) - 🙂

  3. Thanks for sharing!
    Always fun to read show reports from different parts of the world.

  4. Looks like a very nice show. Congratulations with both your prizes! And thank you for sharing these pictures.

  5. Hey Tom, Looks like a successful trip and congrats on the awards. Some very nice work to see. Feel the same on your iModeler statement. Cleveland show up next?

  6. Enjoyed meeting you Tom. Your P-51 collection was impressive.
    BTW, thanks for not taking my picture.

  7. thank you for sharing...names would be good

  8. Excellent article my friend. It's always great to see friends getting together and having a great time. Looks like they had a great turn out with the show and all categories were present.

    Congratulations on your wins. I noticed your "signature" model base under the P-40... those are like icing on the cake.

    You also have a very impressive collection of early Mustangs.

    Thanks for posting the pictures for those of us who couldn't attend.


  9. Looks like it was a great show!

  10. I think everyone there had a great time! Tom, congratulations again on your winning entries. (LOVE the P-40!)

  11. Some nice models - and congrats on your wins!

  12. Looks like a super show. Good to have ID on some of the "usual suspects" so we don't accidentally trip over them some time. 🙂

  13. Great Post! You actually got pics of All my entries too! Congrats on the wins, this was one of the toughest competitions R-T has had in quite a while. I took a 1st for my V2 and a 3rd for my U505, so I was pretty happy, better yet was meeting up with fellow Imodelers. Rick Wilkes and I have been good friends for over 20 years now. I owe you a beer and a decent meal what is Dayton Oh known for?...

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