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Scott Nelson
130 articles

Spitfirepalooza Continues!

March 23, 2019 · in Aviation · · 8 · 1.9K

As part of my continuing “Spitfirepalooza” here's my attempt at the Mk. IIa. This was a good little project. The only big fit issue I had was the common wing-to-fuselage step which took a couple puttying and sanding sessions to smooth out. I did need to use a little Mr. Surfacer 500 on a few small spots on the fuselage seams. Cockpit detail is quite good; unfortunately, the canopy, which comes in three sections, is a bit thick to either pose it open or see through it well. I wouldn't mind doing another of these but, if I did, I'd need to get some decals as this kit only came with one set of markings and a replacement canopy so the cockpit can be effectively posed open. This makes my seventh completed kit of the year (not that I'm in a race) but only the second actually started and finished this year.

Reader reactions:
8  Awesome

14 additional images. Click to enlarge.

8 responses

  1. A beautiful little Spit ! Lots of details in a small package.


  2. Yes! One beautiful Spitfire!

  3. There's always room on Mr. Nelson's shelf for another Spitfire. Nice work Scott. The painting is first rate. I especially like the subtle yet effective chipping and weathering.

  4. 🙂 … Greetings … 🙂 :
    Nice work Scott, that camouflage paint job looks great.

  5. Nicely done Scott, especially in that scale.

  6. Mate! It looks great. I particularly liked the instrument panel, the decals were very effective.

  7. Yes looks good Scott, well done.

  8. Looks great Scott! Nice details and subtle weathering.

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