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Greg Kittinger
125 articles

Academy 1/72 Hawker Tempest Mk. V

April 3, 2019 · in Aviation · · 10 · 3.3K

I know it's been awhile. I just realized that between our annual show last year and the show last weekend, I've only completed 3 projects! The Privateer took me almost 8 months, and then I moved at the end of the year. I do have 3 others waiting for me to get bold enough to shoot paint through my new airbrush, so more soon...

In the mean time, this build was for our show theme, Normandy Remembered. Out of box build - just drilled out the gun barrels and exhausts, and added the whip aerial. Hand-painted still except for the white (rattle can). Weathering with pastels and Tamiya weathering masters, and a final treatment of oil filtering to get some fading. Aftermarket decals. Also some silver pencil and paint for chipping. Took first place in the category (nice bonus). By the way - I thought we had some of the best-looking award plaques I've seen in a while (if I do say so myself - our club members and I designed them... 🙂 )

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7  Awesome

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10 responses

  1. Great job, Greg! Always nice to see your craft on stands. Nice looking plaque as well. Congrats!

  2. What can I say, just fantastic, great work Greg.

  3. Nice job, Greg...especially in this scale.

  4. Stunning work Greg! The subtle weathering and beautiful finish makes this one a winner!

  5. Now thats a "Flash" according to the award. Congratulations, Greg that's a pick me up on several levels.

    Two thumbs up.

  6. Ah, the classic ‘Kittinger treatment’ - 72nd scale, wheels up, and hand painted. Great work that I never det tired of seeing - so few people do flying models now.


  7. now that's a beautiful piece of work

  8. Well done all round Greg.

  9. Great looking Tempest Greg.

  10. Very nice Tempest Greg and lovely presentation.

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