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Boris Grgić
42 articles

1/48 Hasegawa F/A-18E Super Hornet

June 1, 2019 · in Aviation · · 15 · 3.1K

This beauty's been sleeping in my stash for almost a year before it came her turn. I never liked single seater version, big bubble canopy on twin seater is what makes Hornets beutiful, but this came as second hand purchase for less than $35. Beautiful model, assembly was easy and enjoyable, there's nothing bad to say about . Pretty much out of the box except for PE interior and "remove before flight" labels. GBU-10's are "borrowed" from an old F-15D and repainted.

...and yes, model's slime light really glow in the dark. Instead of decals I used flouroscent self adhesive tape 😉

Reader reactions:
7  Awesome

28 additional images. Click to enlarge.

15 responses

  1. Excellent! Love the slime lights! And I also commend you on not over weathering the tactical paint scheme. Some aircraft look beat up, but most only look that way at the end of a very long deployment or right before a 14 day aircraft wash. Yours looks exactly the way I remember the aircraft looking when I served. Very very nice!

    • Thx Rob. I wish I had a chance to see NAVY planes myself. I always tend to make my planes worn out, forgeting that their crews take good care of them.

  2. Nice all-around job on this - always liked the addition of a pilot figure, too.

  3. Beautifully done, Boris! The slime lights are a great touch!

  4. WOW! Fantastic job, the slime lights are incredible

  5. WOW ! I thought I was looking at the real thing at first. Those slime lights take it over the top. Well done my friend.


  6. great job...i love the single and double seat...and those slime lights are magic

  7. Great work. It’s easy to see the hours that have gone into this.


  8. Nice work, Boris.

  9. A honey of a Hornet! Looks great!

  10. A real beauty - love the paint and weathering! I almost added an "E" to my stash this weekend - tried hard to find one from the vendors at the Dallas show I was at, but couldn't find one that was a price I was willing to pay... I do have a Growler in the stash, so will just be content with that for now.

    • I was just planning on buying "F" when this came up on sale. Hope I'll make F version someday but lack of space to display 1/48 models forces me to narrow my collection.

  11. Great work! The slime lights are a very attractive feature!

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