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Richard Mcstay
61 articles


June 4, 2019 · in Aviation · · 22 · 2.9K

Hi folks, hope you all are well!
Here is my latest build, the Mig 29M. It is a modern variant of the earlier 29 and is often referred to as the Mig-33, although I have no idea why... The 29M features a number of upgrades to the electronics and a digital cockpit, amongst other bits and bobs. Noticeably, the big vents on the sides of the fuselage have been removed from the early models.
The kit is the released back in 2009 if my sources are correct. I opted to do the jet in a Ukrainian digital camo scheme. The actual camo layout can be found on the Ukrainian 29-A's, but is a mixture of greys and black. I made the colours up as I went along with this being a 29M, loosely trying to replicate the Ukrainian flanker colours. I'm more than happy for this to be used in the upcoming Mig group build, I haven't already added it as the markings are not 100% faithful to an original subject.

I had the Ukrainian decals lying around in the spare box from my flanker build, but I cheated a bit and used Foxbot pre-cut masks for the camo. Is that cheating? I don't know, but life is too short to be doing that with strips of tape. The pre cut masks were only a tenner, I probably would have spent that anyway on masking tape rolls, then lost a few months of my life in the process.
I originally bought a Big Ed detail set as the intake and exhaust details weren't great, but then I realised that the set was only available for the 29A and I had bought the wrong one. So instead I opted for aftermarket resin covers and the correct interior photo etch set with the digital displays. I've still got the Big Ed set if anyone wants to buy it? I can't seem to shift it on eBay!
The build itself was okay. The only notable fitting issue was the joining of the wings. The wings and fuselage screw together and the screws get covered by panels, which is a nice touch. But the wings and the fuselage still didn't quite line up properly, so a good few hours were spent filling and sanding. I don't think that this was my fault, but that one cannot be ruled out.
Another let down of the kit was the static discharges. They were extremely fragile and the rear ones were actually attached to the sprue. I took one look at them and thought, yep... they are going to be off more than they are on. And that was very much the case!
Those issues aside, it was a pretty good kit. There are a lot of air to surface missiles included in the box if one was to be that way inclined, but I opted to arm it purely for air to air combat. Overall, It had its challenges here and there but I'm pleased with the outcome.

Thanks very much for looking, cheers!

Reader reactions:
6  Awesome

21 additional images. Click to enlarge.

22 responses

  1. A quite stunning piece of work. I particularly like the third photo (front view) which looks very realistic and pretty intimidating. Another impressive aspect is the paintwork, (especially the underside, where it’s clear you spent just as much time as topside).

    The shading/painting is excellent and build quality and precision is right up there with your bikes (a difficult combination to nail). Not everyone enjoys both aspects as much as you clearly do. Most modelers fall into ‘build in order to get to the paint’ or ‘oh well, I’ve finished building so I better paint it’ camps. You are clearly just as comfortable with both.

    She must be fairly huge in 32nd scale. As I said, I think this is stunning all round.


  2. Nice work, Richard! Great paint job.

  3. Super job Richard!

  4. Yeah...what they said ! Outstanding work, sir.

  5. Really nice work! A great looking model.

  6. Looks fantastic!

  7. Very nice work!

    MiG-29M was actually just a prototype with only a handful of them built. MiG-29M2 that further developed into MiG-29K/KUB and MiG-35 is a different matter and the change of number was justified.

  8. Can I ‘like’ this again? Thanks for the explanation, Sebastijan.


    • Of course you can mate! Thanks very much!
      I entered this one at the Northern model show, lots of recognition from the boys but no medals unfortunately...
      I got a gold for the Honda though! 🙂

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