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George Johnson
73 articles

1/32 Tamiya Mosquito Cockpit II

July 9, 2019 · in Aviation · · 6 · 3K
This article is part of a series:
  1. 1/32 Tamiya DeHaviland Mosquito
  2. 1/32 Tamiya Mosquito Cockpit II
  3. 1/32 Tamiya Mosquito Cockpit is finished

A little more progress on the office. Managed to get everything in place and painted. I used Master brass gun barrels to replace the molded kit ones on the guns and painted them with Alclad Gun Metal followed by Mig Gun Metal pigment.

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9  Awesome

4 additional images. Click to enlarge.

6 responses

  1. Fantastic work, this is going to look good when finished.

  2. Looks awfully nice. Came to think of an article of mine

  3. Lovely! Those barrels are convincing!

  4. Thank you, all. I'm looking forward to uploading more photos that I hope will be helpful to any one interested in building the kit.

  5. Looks phenomenal George! Can’t wait to see the full office assembled. Looks highly realistic

  6. Great work as always, George. Keep us posted!

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