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Adilcan Topgül
15 articles

1/48 f-4n academy

July 29, 2019 · in Aviation · · 9 · 2K

Another kit ive built some time ago but forgot to share its the sundowners version but i used cam decals set instead since death rattlers are my favorite scheme for phantoms painted with humbrol enamels and valejo air acrylics
Ps. Still a few little bits to add

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9 responses

  1. A modeler after my own heart...lots of decals and nice weathering. Nice work Adilcan. Whose kit did you use?

  2. Another nice piece of modeling work, sir...and another favorite of mine. 🙂 🙂

  3. Nice Phantom. How did the decals work and how old were they? I used CAM a few times about 15 years ago and wasn’t impressed. Mine were brittle and prone to cracking.

    • Im not sure about their age i got a few sets of cam decals from a buddy but honestly i cant say that im 100 percent happy with them but it is a rare squadron so the options were limited

  4. Nice! Great job with the oil stains on the belly, just as I remember them to be.

  5. Neat choice of version, neat choice of markings! Not another VF-111 Sundowners shark-mouthed cliche!

  6. A beauty of a Phantom - love the paint and weathering work, and those decals do set it off nicely. Well done!

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