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dale travis
75 articles

April 2019 random draw winner

July 14, 2019 · in Uncategorized · · 15 · 1.5K

I've just returned from my vacation celebrating my 70th birthday and my 30th wedding anniversary, yes I actually got married 30 years ago on my birthday, and a wonderful surprise of the MK XIV was waiting for me. Thanks to the iModeler people for this awesome gift! And by the way, all the parts were molded perfectly!

Reader reactions:
9  Awesome

15 responses

  1. Well, a heartfelt congratulations on all counts, Dale..."ya doin' gud" - 🙂 🙂 🙂

  2. Read my review on this kit.

    New discovery: Assemble the fuselage completely before putting the cockpit in. That way, you can work the joint for the gas tank to the fuselage from inside and out and get it perfect without putty or filler. Then assemble the cockpit and pop it in, easy-peasy, but cut off that ferschlugginah "gun sight" - doing a scratchbuilt Mk 14 gyro sight is easy and looks mucho better. Assemble the gear bay to the lower wing and then attach that to the fuselage. Attach each upper wing, being sure to get everything perfectly smooth for the wing-fuselage joint. Once that is glued and perfect, finish gluing the wing. When you attach the carb intake and the radiator covers, flood the area they attach to with glue and then attach the part, let the glue flow up and fill the gaps and leave you with nice panel lines. Same with attaching the horizontal stabs. Attach the little plug part in the vertical fin before the elevators. Cut them apart and attach from either side.

    Everything will fit, you won't need any filler. Then you can work that Dale Travis magic on the paint job and the weathering. If you're not that taken by the kit decals, Xtradecal has 48-127 and 48-130 with some interesting schemes worthy of your ability.

    HTH - have fun, it's a beautiful kit.

  3. i'm so glad...i'm so glad, i'm glad, i'm glad, for you

  4. Congrats on all three things: Wedding anniversary, birthday and your award Dale!

  5. A triple winner! Way to go Dale, congratulations

  6. Congratulations Dale! Great choice.

  7. I'm confused; don't know what I'm more jealous of; your pool, your prize, or your hair.

    Happy days, Dale.


  8. Congrats on your win, and yes, very nice pool room. Wanna jump in now, it's 90-90 here.
    BTW am I the only one who's wondering what happened to the May awards?

  9. Thanks everyone for the kind comments. This is really a great group of modelers here!

  10. Concrats on all accounts, enjoy the build, and that pool.

  11. Congrats Dale. A good choice that Airfix kit.
    And congrats for your birth day and aniversary too.

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