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Travis Paschall
23 articles

M4 Sherman (now with proper pics!)

July 9, 2019 · in Armor · · 12 · 1.6K

I already posted this build, that I made for my Dad as a Father's Day gift but due to a hand injury that seriously compromised my deadline (finished the morning of Father's Day). I didn't have time to take proper photos but guess you came through for me, none other than my Pop's! So I had to post his great pics that I think truly enhance this build. I did, however, notice a very big mistake and that's the tracks are upside down/backward! In my haste to finish the project my attention to detail lacked and now since super glued I'm afraid it's there to stay. This proves that no matter what rush you're in, you must dry fit and take that extra few seconds to double check your references. Besides that please enjoy my Father's pictures and thanks for looking!

Reader reactions:
9  Awesome

5 additional images. Click to enlarge.

12 responses

  1. Looks great as is, nice photos! If didn't mention the tracks I wouldn't have noticed.

  2. @roofrat , Thank you sir! Yup but you know someone WILL notice so I thought I would jsut put it out there, you live you learn.

  3. Travis,
    Even with the track error, this build looks awesome. If anybody asks just tell they did that so they wouldn’t wear down so fast on cobblestone roads. Seriously, love the dio. Great pics

  4. Travis,
    I looked at your Sherman when you posted it before, and didn't notice the tracks then... This morning when I looked at it again, still I didn't notice the tracks. But you're right. They are on backwards. 99 percent of the people wouldn't notice it anyway.

    I think it is a mistake that we all have made at one point or another. I built a German Panther tank like that once so don't feel bad. It happens.

    Your Dad will love it no matter what because you took the time to make something special for him. That's what really matters.

    There is so much to look at in your diorama, it's very hard to catch everything, so the track error is well hidden.

    I didn't catch the either time. I really like Sherman tanks... plus I used to be a real life "tanker".

    It looks great to me. 🙂

    Well done and "liked"

  5. Still a great-looking tank and dio, and the photography is first rate also!

  6. I wouldn't have noticed the tracks. Really nice work on the diorama. Very realistic!

  7. Travis, I can't say anything new that hasn't already been said ... except ... I too, am an ex real-life tanker, and like my CDAT Brother Louis, I didn't notice the tracks either! Your diorama is a joy to see, and I thank you for sharing photos with us here at iModeler. The lighting (or lack of it) makes for a VERY interesting scene ... down in some ditch or gully parked behind foliage while TRYing to be invisible. In real life, sometimes trying to make your tank invisible (or simply hidden) is VERY hard ... it's kind of like TRYING to hide a whale in a delicatessen! It simply can't always be done!

  8. My wife is a quilter, and she is her own worst critic. She nit-picks everything she does. But she has a rule that you never point out your mistakes because most people will never notice. I am sure there are some modelers who might notice, but many of us are airplane guys who won't know the difference. I think I would have made up some story about having a green crew who inadvertently replaced the tracks in the wrong way. Great job.

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