Mirage F1 AZ 1/32 Scale, Scratch Build. Part 4
Hey Guy's, Firstly let me apologize for not posting in a while, been busy with day to day life issues, namely work, work and work, and if that was not enough, my Mom passed away as well. So, I had a trying last couple of weeks.
I did manage to get back to the bench this last week end and put in a little overtime as well to get a few things done, So, this is what I have done so far on my F1 scratch build...
I have completed the vacuum form of the the fuselage in four sections from the molds I made.
Glued the mid section together and proceeded to cut out the wheel well openings.
Made a basic cockpit tub and nose gear wheel well, this will be detailed this coming week end.
Scratch built the main wheel wells and installed into the fuselage.
I does not sound like a lot of work, but it was lots and lots of test fitting, filing, cutting and sanding. Its starting to take shape, I think that when I have glued all the fuselage sections together it will start to look like one as well, ( Hopefully not a 32nd scale egg plane)
Take care and I hope you enjoy the progress pictures.
My condolences for your loss. May you find a catharsis in the scratch building. I know it did for me when both my parents passed within 4 months of each other. The bench time allowed me to reminisce and find peace. I hope it does for you.
So sorry to hear about your mom, Marc. Glad that some good modeling might help take your mind off of it.
I had to laugh out loud at your "1/32 egg plane" remark! Not to be from a Barris creation! The detail in the wheel wells is amazing. Keep it up!
I'm sorry for your loss...
Regarding the "egg plane", yes, keep it coming! She promises to be a wonder!
Immersing yourself in the detail of your wonderful creations must be a comfort. Sad for your loss but interested in your usual skills with that there uncooperative styrene.
Another master piece in the works. Sorry for your loss, sir.
My condolences to you and your family Marc.
Due to the electrical power outages here, I really have not logged in to the forum as I would normally do, but when able, I have been noticing the absence of this project. I thought I have missed it, but here it is … you amaze me again … nice work.