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Braulio Maya
8 articles

Another 1/48 Hasegawa kit Bf-109F-4

August 4, 2019 · in Uncategorized · · 6 · 2K
Reader reactions:
11  Awesome

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6 responses

  1. Very nice presentation, sir...turned out well - outstanding in-progress pics , too. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Great report of an outstanding build! Well done, Braulio!

  3. Nice work. The Hasegawa kits still stand up.

    If I might point out something for the future - it's easier to paint and mask off the white areas than the reverse. Also more economical in use of tape. ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Looks nice - love the desert schemes. Well done.

  5. The pre-shading on this kit really makes a difference. The build really came out well. Great job!

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