Another Old Academy 1/48 Model, Sukhoi Su-27
Sadly by the time when I made this model I'm only have 3 photos has information, so the color are no right and I really don’t know if the scheme it’s right or not, but I really like it, what do you think?
Those Academy kits are not very cooperative, but you got to some excellent results. Great job conquering those kits and nice work on the finish!
Great build! I like the camo scheme on this one and you really did honor to this old kit!
Nicely done, really like the camo scheme.
Yep...what they said,
Looks great!
I was stoked when a 1/48 Flanker came out in the 90's and I like the layout of the kit as one big top and bottom. No wing seams! I built a two seater back then and have recently bought the same kit (a two seater) to try again! I also don't know if the scheme is correct but there is a MiG17 flying here in the states with a very similar scheme and it looks great on both planes. (Looks good next to your tiger striped Fulcrum too!)