1/72 Eduard; Grumman F6F-5 Hellcat white 71, VF-20, USS Enterprise 1944
Hello, this is my 2nd US NAVY rollout. This time I have build the 1/72 scale Eduard Grumman F6F-5 white 71, Hellcat flown by Lt Leo Bob McCuddin, VF-20, USS Enterprise, October 1944.
The kit is the “profi pack” nr. 7077 from Eduards very nice Hellcat kit. For this project, I used the vallejo US NAVY colors, "glossy sea blue". The color seems to be exact, but I do not like the texture so much because it's like rubber. Watch out when you pull off the masking foils from the cockpit canopy, because it could be that the color comes off!
Hope you like it : )
here is the other Hellcat rollout: https://imodeler.com/2019/09/eduard-f6f-3-uss-essex-okt-1944-cv9/
Thumb up!
The pictures "on the carrier" with naval background add great value to an already superb reproduction of the mighty Hellcat.
I like this one as much (if not better) than your other one. Stunning work/pics.
As nice as the F6 F-3 if you ask me. Stunning model at any scale!
That “rubber” texture you describe is what put me off from Vallejo/AK Air acrylics, since I found both brands have that finish. Someone somewhere wrote that their formulation is the same and from a user perspective that is about right.
I moved to Gunze acrylics and lacquers, plus good ol Tamiya and some MRP. All have a better behave spraying and no peeling like the one you also had (though I had some peeling with MRP in one model last year, paint over paint)
Thank you vermy much Pedro. I also use Gunze colors and have still a lot of them. I must say, that my favorite brand is AK Real color, because of the nice color pigments and the fast drying. I also like the color sets like the Luftwaffe late colors etc. And last but not least, with the original thinner from AK (mixed ca. 50/50 and low preasure) even the cheepest china airbrush is working with them.
Quite true, I forget to mention AK new range, the real colours. I bought quite a stock of them, but used it only twice so far. Spray as good as all I mentioned before. Hope to see one of your upcoming projects painted with those
Looks great! Excellent job with the exhaust staining in my opinion. Well done.
Thanks Greg!
Once again, excellent work on the model, then presented perfectly with the photography.
Interesting little-known fact about VF-20: Lt(jg) Jack Taylor, who reported to VF-15 in late June after the Marianas Turkey Shoot, was not happy to return to the US in November 1944 with the air group because he hoped to see more action and make ace (he only scored two overall in the war), so he wangled a transfer to VF-20, where he served with them aboard Enterprise until the end of their tour. After the war, he founded a car rental company. Because of the few months he was aboard Enterprise, we know it as Enterprise Rent A Car, rather than Essex Rent A Car.
Wow Tom, I am impressed about your background knowledge. Nice fact that nearly nobody knows, thank you for that. Let see if you can say something to my next rollout (still on worbench), a Grumman F4F-4, black 5, VC-48 USS Block Island... USMC ace over Guadalcanal
Another excellent Hellcat!
Beautifully built, finished, & photographed, Andreas. I went back and looked at your first F6F. Both are outstanding!
Thank you guys!
Just think ... I was blown away by the first Hellcat of yours. Then you posted this second one, and it happened again. This is the perfect example, of a perfect Hellcat, in a perfect world.
It doesn't get any better than that, other than winning the lottery, or hearing news that a loved one has won the fight with a life threatening disease, like cancer, and has been permanently cured.
Two thumbs up and a "liked" on this one too.
Well done my friend.
wow! what can I say? Thank you, thank you!
Posted an additional (the last one is new) picture.
Beautiful work & photography. Your detail is so fine it's hard to tell what scale it is.
Hard to believe it is 1/72. Looking forward to your next posting.
Thank you! I am working on the Airfix F4F right now and will post more pics of the build.
Outstanding work on this model as well as photography Andreas, I am in par with every word that Tony has just commentated on.
Happy that you like it!