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Rob Anderson
204 articles

I want candy......Lime Green!

September 13, 2019 · in Uncategorized · · 5 · 1.7K

So the T'Rantula is coming along well. The engine is built, and the body assembled and painted Candy Lime Green, over Tamiya Gold, both decanted from the spray can. I decided to add some spider webs. The kit comes with one spider web decal, but part of the fun of these old Show Rods is the ability to do your own thing a bit, so I did!


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5 responses

  1. Nice all around job, my friend...what engine is that supposed to be - a 429 ? Those valve covers don't look (to me) to be a "hemi".

  2. Not sure, I know it's a Ford, at least according to the valve covers!

  3. 🙂 … Greetings … 🙂 :
    This model is coming out very nicely Rob. The engine looks good and am very much pleased to see how well you added the extra SPIDER WEBS, very nice work. It seems better looking than the one pictured on the box, nice clean work.

  4. Though I appreciate the creativity, I'm not much of a tarantula fan! Probably has to do with seeing Dr. No at the ripe young age of 4! (I may never forgive my parents for that...). It always gives me the shivers when I'm running trails in the woods and I blast through a spider's web! If you could provide a little therapy with your build I might be more inclined to tag along... 🙂

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