Hobby Boss 1/48 Sukhoi Su-27 Flanker-B Russian Airforce

October 15, 2019 · in Aviation · · 16 · 3.7K

First post here. After being active on Hyperscale and Britmodeller for a while, trying out something new.
Taking pics and doing posts for my father due to his rather basic computer and English skills. I´m a modeler too, but haven´t built a model in years.

This is on of my dad´s rare excursions in the modern jet world and his latest finished model. He used the nice kit. Like all HB/Trumpeter kits it may have its shape and accuracy issues, but it looks like a and that´s good enough. Fit and molding quality is very good.
Built OOB, only added some stencils from a Hi-Decal sheet because the kit decals aren´t the best. Camo was done with AK Real Color Air Superiority Blue, Tamiya XF-19 Sky Grey and a mix of Tamiya XF-18 Medium Blue with XF-23 Light Blue and XF-2 White for the darker blue.
Exhaust area painted with Gunze H63 Mettalic Blue Green, H76 Burnt Iron and Tamiya X-13 Metallic Blue.

Reader reactions:
9  Awesome

6 additional images. Click to enlarge.

16 responses

  1. Nicely done. The weathering really makes it.

  2. Great Flanker, congrats to dad and welcome to imodeler both!

  3. Welcome Reinhard. It's good to see your father's models here on iModeler. Several former (and current) Hyperscale personalities are here and I'm sure they all remember your father's prolific work. Beautiful SU-27.

  4. Welcome Reinhard! I recall several post that you and your dad got at Britmodeller, all with great photos and skilled model making (all were prop planes). This Sukhoi is as good as the best you dad presented there imo though I’m no jet expert

  5. Thanks for the warm welcome. Already looked through the member names here and found a bunch of familiar ones.

  6. A beautiful Flanker! Love the nice, light weathering. Really sets it off.

  7. Your father does very nice work! I love this jet.

  8. I've built the Academy Flanker in the past and really likes its parts breakdown. I'd like to see how this compares. It looks like the instrument panel has instruments on film behind a clear panel like their Yak-38. I like that process! The camouflage work here is top shelf (and a great color scheme IMO)! You said modern jets are uncommon for your Father. (Even though it's hard to believe the Flanker is 30+ years old. By comparison, a vehicle aged 20 years gets you classic plates here in Wisconsin!) What era does he normally dabble in? Looking forward to more of his work! Welcome to iModeler!

  9. Beautiful result...welcome aboard. 🙂

  10. Beautiful work. Your dad's work is really great.

  11. Thanks again for your kind comments!

  12. Great job! I'm really impressed with how well your Dad has painted the camouflage.

  13. @grimreaper, She is a beauty Reini! A lovely type wonderfully recreated! 🙂

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