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Scott Nelson
134 articles

Airfix 1/72 Harrier GR 3

December 23, 2019 · in Aviation · · 12 · 4K

Here's my GR 3. I bought this kit to eventually add one to my collection of RAF fighters, but I was never a big fan of the type. To me the Harrier just didn't look right. Boy how my attitude has changed since putting this one together! This one was a lot of fun and I very much like the look of this bird. I'm definitely hoping Airfix will come out with a new 1/48 kit as well. This will likely be my penultimate completed kit of 2019, making a baker's dozen so far.

Reader reactions:
7  Awesome

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12 responses

  1. Outstanding finish and detail. Well done!

  2. Awesome looking Harrier!

  3. If you've ever seen one fly, you'll be impressed ever afterwards.

    Nice work on the model.

  4. Excellent job! I've a GR3 (Hasegawa, 1/72) in the 'to build' stash - hope it comes out somewhere as good as yours!

    • I have the Hasegawa kit too. At first I was going to do a simultaneous build but, the Airfix kit looked so much better I decided to focus my attention on it. Plus, I know myself well enough that I sometimes get bogged down in simultaneous builds and then nothing gets finished!

  5. Well done Scott.

  6. Great work! Having seen it in person, pictures don't do it justice.

  7. Thanks for the compliments. They are truly appreciated.

  8. Excellent work! The weathering is impressive. I know it's been a while, but do you recall the color scheme you used for the camo?

    • Thanks Brian. I used Model Master RAF Green and Dark Sea Grey paints. I toned them with black and tinted them with white (and maybe a hint of yellow for the green) for the color variation.

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