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John Healy
165 articles

MiG GB – 1/48 MiG-19PM.

December 7, 2019 · in Aviation · · 15 · 2.6K

This is my contribution to the MiG Group Build that Sebastijan Videc was so kind to start and moderate. It's an early kit from around 2004 that's been in my stash since at least 2009. It's a solid kit that assembled well. Apparently the nose shape is a bit off, but it looked good enough to me and not worth replacing with a resin correction set. The only thing I added was some PE seat belts. I painted it with Silver Leaf lacquer and various Humbrol enamels. You don't see these kits built too often, but when you do they're usually finished in Soviet or East German colors. Wanting to do something different, I did mine as a Hungarian example. I cobbled the decals together from a couple of Hungarian Aero Decal sheets for MiG-15s and MiG-21s. Fellow imodeler Csaba was nice enough to provide photos of all 12 Hungarian MiG-19s as references. The was not well liked in Soviet and Warpac service and was not deployed in large numbers. Technology advanced quickly and the was a real winner that then served East bloc air forces for decades. Nevertheless, the -19 was an interesting plane that deserves to be remembered as the first mass produced supersonic fighter.

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16  Awesome

11 additional images. Click to enlarge.

15 responses

  1. A masterful Mig build! Looks great.

  2. John, @j-healy
    WOW ! Your MiG is very impressive... I agree with Robert, it really looks great. This was a fun build to watch.

  3. As you said, a rarely seen subject...well done

  4. Very nice to see a seldom seen MiG-19 Farmer, in any scale. Nice finish, great choice of markings. Nice to see fellow modelers also help each other out. I also enjoyed the progress you made on her. Will use it to build one of the same kit in the stash some day. One of the few MiGs I have never had the opportunity to build yet. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Great work on this, John. Researching my next book, I can tell you the North Vietnamese didn't like it that much either. About the only ones who did apparently like it were the Chinese and the Pakistanis.

    I like your result a lot.

    • Thanks Tom. China definitely got the most mileage out of this plane. I believe a couple were used to shoot down US fighters that strayed near/over their air space during the VN war. I also remember reading somewhere that the Chinese have converted some to drones.

  6. Nice effort on one not modeled frequently. Love it! Man - the size of those wing fences...

  7. Appreciate that this is an older build, but nonetheless it looks superb to me. Could be one for my Christmas List this year.


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