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Stan Traas
46 articles

Trumpeter 1/350 Prinz Eugen 1945

December 5, 2019 · in Ships · · 14 · 5.3K

Finally done. Hull completed & painted 6 1/2 years ago in New Jersey, packed away for a move to Virginia, then a resident on the shelf of doom for several more years. Finally modeler-ed up about 6 months ago. When I finished the Z-25 in 2012 I swore I'd never build another ship... I should have kept my word.

So, a very decent kit but definitely needed better gun barrels, so Sea Master brass to the rescue. Worried that the plastic kit masts would not hold up to rigging (antennas really), I added Sea Master generic masts & yards, soldered together. Also used the White Ensign P-E set which improved many details but, were I to build this again (perish the thought!), I think Flyhawk would be abetter choice. Though very few, the kit decals were excellent and conformed very well to the molded plastic decks which are also excellent. Therefore I decided against laser etched aftermarket sets and just did the basic Tamiya Deck Tan with raw umber, burnt sienna & black oil washes. The rats nest of antennas was a nightmare of course- almost all is stretched sprue.

So, thanks for looking... it's back to 1/48 A/C & targets for me. I swear I'll never do another ship!

Reader reactions:
20  Awesome

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14 responses

  1. Museum piece. Matter of fact, I've seen stuff in museums that weren't this good.

    Absolutely stunning.

  2. Now that would be a great loss to us onlookers, cause you build a helluva nice ship. Great execution evident all round, paint and rigging especially, LOVE the decks.
    Good looking ship, too, lots of interesting secondary armament. Didn't know it had torpedo tubes. Good job they did not have a bunch of them.
    Another masterpiece by the great Trassenator.

  3. Having done that kit myself, I really like your take on it. This is an excellent result here, and I'll echo the rest that you shouldn't arbitraily cut yourself off from ship models. After all, there's a real St. Paul class US Heavy Cruiser coming soon (actually they're doing all four of the class). I think that would be right up your alley after this.

    I'll say it again: great result and a beautiful model.

  4. Excellent! I guess that detailing the ship at this level could be a chore but the results are really pleasing to the eye.

  5. Magnificent work ! I agree with what David @davidathomas
    said about the museum piece. His comments were spot on... Each time I take another look I notice something new. The deck is stunning, and even the Arado looks to be airworthy !

    Definitely two thumbs up and a great big "liked"

  6. Beautiful work Stan!

  7. Looks great! Yeah - I don't do floaty things either - stick with what I know!

  8. All of the above, areal beauty!

  9. That's a beauty. Just my opinion, but I think you should do more. Very nicely done!

  10. Good job!
    Please do another ship.

  11. Stan, absolutely gorgeous !

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