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Marek Targowicz
9 articles

K.u.K Torpedoboot SMS Elster – 1/350 WMM

January 7, 2020 · in Ships · 5 · 3.5K

My favourite model ship – SMS Elster, shown as on ca. 1901 – a small torpedo boat made using Schichau design for Austro-Hungarian Navy.

It was my first full-resin multimedia kit built some time ago. I have updated it with some scratch-built details using brass tubing/wires as well as transparent plastic (lantern). Rigging is made of nylon thread and stretched PS sprue (two different colours). The coco-grass (anti-slippery) mats on decks are replicated with pieces of painted and weathered decal.

Model was painted with Lifecolor acrylics (antifouling green) and Mr Color C-series lacquers. The weathering was done using various oils and Lifecolor Tensochromes.

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6  Awesome

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5 responses

  1. I'm not a ship guy but I surely do like the looks of your build...really real.

  2. Very unusual subject - I really like it. Excellent job bring a realistic finish to it.

  3. Very nice ship and subject! Excellently executed! Congrats!

  4. Beautifully done, Marek! It certainly looks shipshape.

  5. Impressive work! looks great.

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