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Thomas Probert
59 articles

1/48th Boeing B-52H Stratofortress - update

February 14, 2020 · in Aviation · · 4 · 3.4K

Evening all,

It's been a while since I posted and update on this project. Since last time I've scratch-built the main flap structure. More often than not B-52s are parked flaps-down so I thought I'd do the same with mine. These were made from Evergreen and plastic card over numerous evenings. I still need to add the motors and some wiring but that'll come in due course.

Work has also begun on the flightdeck area. The cockpit glazing was trimmed from the backing sheet and it was then I found that it was too wide for the fuselage. Upon further investigation I discovered the fuselage was mis-formed and too narrow, so I made a sill from plastic card for the glazing to sit on and built the rest up with Milliput. Now the glazing is more or less a drop-fit.

In the cockpit itself I've started on the basic details such as the rear bulkhead and side consoles. Lots more to make and add here, but a good start has been made.

I've got a week off for half-term, so I'm hoping to make some decent progress on the cockpit interior.

Until next time, happy modelling!

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4 responses

  1. Boy Thomas, this is a B-52 the hard way! Having both the Sanger kit and now HPH's B-52 I already know which is going to be the easier build! Unfortunately the Sanger kit is the only way I can build a D model in 1/48. (IMO the Vietnam era D had the coolest paint scheme.) I will probably order an extra flap kit from HPH for use in the Sanger version because having them dropped really livens up the model! You are doing a cracking job on this and I am grateful for your build log as it will certainly help my build. Have you settled on a paint scheme yet?

  2. Looks terrific so far

  3. Thomas: I am a former B-52H driver (1960-1967) and just happened to stumble upon your BUFF project. A very ambitious effort and marvelous work. Since you are building it in a parked mode, have you posted any pictures of your work in the wheel wells. Also, we normally parked with the bomb doors open. I am in the middle of converting an early 1/72 Monogram B-52 to an H model using after-market resin engines, vert fin, etc. It is always nice to see my old ride get a little love.

    Larry Clark

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