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Alistair Gauld
118 articles

Airfix 1/72 Dakota – D-Day Doll

February 3, 2020 · in Aviation · · 13 · 1.8K

Hi There,
So, last year when the Dakotas were at Prestwick I took a run through on the Saturday with Innis and his pal on what turned out to be a particulary typical Scottish summer day.

We were able to get on board D-Day Doll which for me was wonderful as I've always loved the but for the kids it was an incredible experience, especially when they were told by the crew of her history. D-Day, Market Garden, Bastogne and the Berlin Air Lift.
The crew were available to talk to and for questions and spent a lot of time with the kids making them feel really really special and for this they have my undying gratitude.

Anyway as I had an Dakota MkIII in the house I went hunting for Decals for this Aircraft.

I knew that I didn't have the talent or skill to covert it to a C-53 but tried to give it the impression of one.

This build stalled over the Christmas and New Year period. I told myself it was because I was making sure that I was finishing the Turkish Spitfire in time but the truth was that getting the invasion stripes done was terrifying me.

So, no extra window on the port side and the rear door isn't right but I'm pleased with it despite the flaws and The Wee Man is utterly delighted.

OOB except for the Decals fromKitsWorld

Thanks very much for looking.


Just realised I've not unmasked the landing lights... This will be done

I've been told and I'm not quite sure how I managed it and didn't notice myself but I've put the upper wing insignia on the wrong wing...Doh. This also will be rectified

Reader reactions:
6  Awesome

8 additional images. Click to enlarge.

13 responses

  1. Looks fine to me Alistair, but then again I'm a bit partial since it's a CAF Bird. I think she turned out fine. Great Job!


  2. Thank you so much for that.

    She's a beautiful aircraft and her history needs to be remembered.

  3. Alistair, first - it's great that The Wee Man was "utterly delighted." You can't go wrong when teaching the next generation things they SHOULD know about, rather than the latest (c)rap group's antics. Showing him a DC3/C-47/C-53 is a particularly important bit of Aviation history.

    Second, my Mum was a flight attendant for the former Lake Central Airline, which (at that time) operated only DC-3s and surplus C-47s. I had the pleasure of perhaps a half-dozen flights in DC-3s/C-47s in my younger days. "The Grand Old Lady" holds a special place in my heart & memories.

    ... and third - are you a Glaswgian? My late wife was. I've spent a number of hours at Prestwick.

    • Hi Jeff,
      Many thanks for your kind words.
      He is really interested in History at the moment and it's great fun to be able to take him to see stuff like this.
      Your flights in these grand birds does make me a wee bitty jealous that's the sort of experience that gives you the greatest memories. I, personally, will never forget the 9 hours we spent on patrol in a Shackleton.

      I'm originally from Dingwall which is in the North of Scotland but live in the Central Belt now so a lot of places to go are a lot closer.


  4. The C-47 is such a classic WWII icon! Love pics of the day on the ramp, and a nice build to accompany it!

  5. The build is great! As are the photos, well done.

  6. Well done Allstair, she looks good even with the small glitches you mentioned. My dad's first airplane ride was in a C-47 for a total of 21 as a paratrooper with the 101st Airborne. He often joked he never experienced an airplane landing until he got out of the Army after the war. Nicely done.

    • 101st Airborne - Screaming Eagles
      Lot of history there Tom @tom-bebout. Outstanding!

      One of my best friends from High School was a Tank Commander in the late 70's. He participated in several exercises with the 101st. He said they were crazy. Jump into the exercise field, deployed then were trucked back to an airfield for the return home. When they got there, they jumped again. 🙂

    • Thanks for that. To do what your Dad did is incredible but I'll bet he was like mine and didn't really talk about their experiences much.
      What they accomplished needs to be remembered though. Ordinary people achieving extraordinary things in the face of evil.


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