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George Henderson
72 articles

Revell 1:48 F-104G (CF-104) 417Sq. Cold Lake, Alberta

February 17, 2020 · in Aviation · · 24 · 1.9K

A nice kit with a few issues. The instructions want you to join the forward fuselage halves together first, then join the rear halves together and then put the two together as one. Do this and you'll have a whacking great seam to deal with. Glue the respective halves together first; you'll still have a small seam to deal with but it won't be a canyon.. has you attach the speed brakes in the open position but I couldn't find any photos of parked 104s with them open. It's a right pain in the keester to close them. lots of filing on the inside of the brakes and they are about 1-2mm too long. I painted the fuselage with Vallejo Metal Chrome with parts of the exhaust area with their Pale Burnt Metal. The red on the stabilizers and white on the top of the wings were Tamiya. Revell would have you paint the bottom of the wings white as well but according to book "Canadian Military Aircraft: Finish and Markings - 1968-2004" this colour is Grey 501-109. WTF colour is that you ask. An almost perfect match is Tamiya XF-12 J.N. Grey. This is also used on the lower part of the radome. Kit decals were used. A little thick and didn't completely settle into the panel lines

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6  Awesome

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24 responses

  1. Nice work, a great color scheme!

  2. Nice work, George! Canadian colors suited the Starfighter really well.

  3. Great work on this George.

  4. Looks terrific but what’s the story on the black checkered 441? That one is a beauty too.

  5. Great results, George, twice! And with a kit that can best be described as one of old Monogram's lesser Century Series products. A triumph of skill and talent over materials.

  6. Really pretty aircraft (both) from a golden age of jet fighters. They look like spaceships. Lovely work, George.


  7. Great work. Always a fan of the RCAF/CAF Starfighters.

  8. Man that Vallejo metal chrome looks the ducks nuts, great finish dude!

  9. Beautiful Starfighter, George, I really like it very much.

  10. A very nicely done "missile." They look even more sleek without the tip tanks.

  11. Built one of those George and you've really done a great job on this old Revell kit. Much better than I was able to do with it. I like it.

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