1/48 Scale F-86 RCAF Sabre Jet.
About 17 years ago I found some "Royal Canadian Air Force F-86 Sabre Jet" decals for sale at an "on-line" hobby shop in Canada.
I emailed and got a reply then sent some money for two sets. The 2nd set was bought just in case I screwed up a decal.
With my "in-progress" photo's I see that I bought some "after-market" resin cockpit items from somebody. 15 years have passed by and my memory is going with it, so I don't remember where I bought the cockpit set, nor what the price was...but it fit in the model just fine.
I guess the model went together ok and as usual, the cockpit was the first item to be assembled and painted then the rest of the model was tossed together.
When it came to painting, I used either "SnJ Spray Metal Gold" and/or the new "Tamiya Gold" paint. I overcoated the model with "Future" then applied the "RCAF" decals and maybe I applied another coat of Future.
The model went to a few local California model shows and to the IPMS/USA show in 2006. I would have to look on my list of winners to see if it took an award.
The model was kept in my dust free show case that has a daylight florescent 4' tube light installed in it.
Real Beauty there Rodney. Nice job!
Hi James:
Shortly after I joined the Society of Air Race Historians, (SARH) in 1884, a fellow member said that if I wanted a model to stand out in the crowd of "Olive Drab and/or Nave Blue" models then paint it in a racing and/or a civil color. Well I knew next to nothing about racer's nor civil aircraft. Then when I got on the "internet" I found out why Ron said what he said. The rest is history,'cause I have a few dozen of these kids of model. I think I have one olive drab model and a couple of Navy Blue models in my collection of 287 models.
Colorful addition to the collection indeed! That remark back then did the trick it seems. Keep these golden oldies comin'
A real golden job, Rodney. Beautiful cockpit! Thanks for sharing.
All the best!
Hi guys:
The reason why I add building photos is to help other modelers solve some of their building problem's with any kit, and if this helps, then that makes this old man of 88 years happy. Rodney
Building photos are one of the best parts of a model presentation. In my opinion - and I think I'm not the only one - we modelers love to see the building sequence of a model through building photos. For sure we try to imagine if and how we can adapt the techniques we envisage through the photos to our model habits. So they help a lot!
Thanks Rodney!
All the best!
This is a fantastic article Rodney, @f2g1d
I have learned so much from you and for that I am thankful...
Please continue to post anything you can, as it has been a tremendous help for modelers like me...
That a beautiful model, I’m sure getting a flawless gold paintwork is not easy, but you didn’t it. Very eye catching
I like this scheme, I did one in 1/72 along time ago.