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George V Guimaraes
42 articles

Academy F-4 J US Navy 1/48

March 9, 2020 · in Aviation · · 22 · 2.3K


Here goes my last project, entering the "phabulous" World. I've chosen the kit because I've read some good reviews about it. But, I must say it wasn't a flawless building. I've encountered a few issues like a step between the fuselage and the metallic tail cone. Hard to sand there without damaging a lot of details. And also some, IMHO, engineering issues regarding the landing gear bays and legs. These last ended up being slightly off the vertical, unless the real bird is like that, which I doubt. Anyway, perhaps I may have caused some of this problems, but, in the end, I'm quite satisfied with the result.
Weathering was a balance between the beginning and the end of a cruise, so not that dirty...
Hope you enjoy!


Reader reactions:
15  Awesome

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22 responses

  1. Looks really good to me!


  2. Excellent Phantom, everything in it combines with ease, and that includes the weathering, top notch! How many hours (or days) do you estimate took you to build it George?

    • Obrigado Pedro! Hard to say, I usually take a few hours a day to build, but not everyday, you know. This one here took me about 15/20 days, in average 2 to 4 hours a day. Sorry for not being more precise.


  3. 🙂 … Greetings … 🙂 :
    A Phantom is always a welcomed subject, and this one surely is. Nice build George.
    The subtle weathering fits it very well.

  4. Lovely work George!

  5. Very good work and excellent weathering. Looks fantastic!

  6. That's a pretty looking Phantom George, well done.

  7. Very nice! The weathering looks perfect to me, for a Navy bird. Well done.

  8. Phar out! Looks great.

  9. Wonderful job. Weathering is perfectly balanced. Bravo!

  10. Very cool. Right up my street. Love the hanger back drop. Bloody good work George.

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