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Robert Royes
258 articles

Top Gun “Mig”, F-5E Hobbyboss 1/72.

March 27, 2020 · in Aviation · · 8 · 3.8K

This is my take on the Mysterious Mig seen in that movie, It's a neat little kit with few hang ups. Most of the decals came from the kit , the yellow circles on the tail were kit bashed. The running joke at the museum that I volunteer at is a question, Who was the Tom that starred in Top Gun? No not Tom Cruise ,but Tomcat. I hope you are all well.

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9  Awesome

6 additional images. Click to enlarge.

8 responses

  1. Pretty slick looking bird Robert

  2. Great looking F-5. You don't realize how small the actual plane really is until you build it in 1/72.

  3. Great job, Robert! I admit it I have s soft spot for Top Gun movie "planes".
    All the best!

  4. Great work, I remember that fast opening scene, epic!

  5. This so reminds me of the time I was at the Reno National Championship Air Races back in the late 80's. One of the F-5E's from Fallon NAS in Soviet aggressor markings was on static display. As a few of my pilot friends (all of us former Navy and Air Force flight crew members - yes we can all get along HA) and I were sitting there looking at the F-5, up walks a young man sporting his Ray Ban aviator sunglasses all decked out in is flight jacket covered with various squadron patches and a very attractive young lady on his arm. He looks at her and says something along the lines of "Hey hun, this is a Mig-28. We encountered a few of these when I flew F-15's when I was stationed in Germany." One of my friends who was a former Eagle driver looked at him and this young lady, pointed to the aft section of the aircraft where prominently painted was the aircraft BuOrd # and the designation "F-5E". The little gal caught on quickly, looked at "Mr. Fighter Pilot" and slugged him in the shoulder and stormed off. My friends and I just looked at each other and started busting out laughing.

    Nice build Robert and Thanks for that memory.
    Have a great day and stay safe as well.

  6. Nicely, l done Robert, I always thought it's hard to do a subject in black and make it look good.

  7. Nice Mig 28 Robert!

  8. fun little project! well done.

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