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Bryan W. Bernart
40 articles

Aconcagua FMA IA-58 Pucara

April 8, 2020 · in Aviation · 12 · 2.8K

Argentinian resin, pe and white metal. Interesting subject matter that was recently put out in an injected kit-that always happens.
Not an easy build, and easily not my best and high def photos betray my eyesight-but she looks good from a few feet away.
This is one of the Experimental versions. Later versions were used-bravely-in the Falklands/Malvinas conflict by the Argentinian Air Force.

Reader reactions:
12  Awesome

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12 responses

  1. Excellent work with all these challenging resin-pe-whitemetal, Bryan. What a beautiful outcome of such a rarely modelled subject, especially at these striking colors!
    All the best!

  2. Great job, Bryan. Always liked the look of the Pucara. So “ugly” it’s beautiful.

  3. Bryan, excellent job with the Pucara', I have done the Acongaua just a few years ago'. It was a very hard job to put all the pieces together. Curious to know if your has so many defect Like mine, or Juan Carlo has improve quality of the mould.

    Kind regards ,


  4. Love the Pucara! I've got one in 1/72 that I want to get to soon. I've always been a fan of her sleek look. Beautiful job on this one.

  5. Wow, my first time seeing this Aircraft. Hope those came with ejection seats. Pretty close to the Props!

    Nice job on this!

  6. gotta agree with Rick on this one! One of those slightly awkward looking birds that are easy to fall in love with...especially when you learn how they were used. Great job! The resin...the paintwork ...the detail...EVERYTHING!

  7. Great job. I’ve been hoping somebody would do one in injection molded 1/48 scale. It would be a natural for Special Hobby.

  8. Great result. All that hard work certainly paid off.

  9. Congrats! Multimedia resin kit and such end result, awesome!

  10. Profile Photo
    said on April 9, 2020

    Inspired work, thank you!

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