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George Henderson
70 articles

Eduard 1:48 Bf- 109G-6

April 29, 2020 · in Aviation · · 17 · 1.9K

This is the aircraft as flown by Rudolf Bozik (10.7. 1920-27. 6. 2000) during Sept. 1944. These are the Slovak Combined Squadron. This is from the Bunny Fighter Club Dual Combo, two kits in one box + a spiffy T-shirt. When you are a BFC member you get a full-time 15% off all products plus special deals for club members only. A tad expensive at first but the deals make up for it in the long run. Paints used: innards were sprayed with XF63 German Grey. Upper camouflage was Mr Hobby Aqueous H68 RLM74 and a 30 year old bottle of their RLM75, number unknown as the label had long disappeared. Undersides were painted with Vallejo Model Air(VMA) 71.008 Pale Blue RLM76 and the gear legs and wheel wheels in 71.044 RLM02. This is a wee bit too green and I've since found a closer match. The propeller, spinner and fuselage band was done with Tamiya XF27 Black Green and the narrow band with VMA 71.078. Gold Yellow (RLM04). Just a note to all those that say Vallejo isn't a sturdy paint and lifts. The yellow fuselage band was masked for five days while I sprayed the rest and the RLM76 was masked for two days. When all the tape was removed, not one bit of paint lifted from the VMA cover areas. I like to let the paint set for at least 24 hours before masking. Antenna rigging was done with Uschi van der Rosten Super-Fine thread. The stuff is a pain in the keester to work with, at times I don't even know if I'm holding it. This stuff is super stretchy and when touched to a wee bit of CA, it holds on like a scared limpet to a rock

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17 responses

  1. Excellent job, George!. Put together, painting, decalling and appropriate weathering, all are top class!
    All the best, my friend!

  2. Mmmm - the MTT-Regensbug scheme you don't often see. Very nice work on this one George.

  3. Nice work George! Definitely this is one of the lesser known operators of the Gustav.
    Have you already built the second G-6 in the BFC box?

    • Thanks Pedro. The second one is still in the box as it could be a bit daunting. Also contained in the box is extra PE, and Brassin resin for the cockpit, landing gear and propeller and spinner. Lots of grinding away of plastic cockpit detail and the fact the I have used very little resin in the past has put this on hold

      • That’s understandable George, the fact is some of Eduard’s PE and Brassin are really not necessary, because the plastic parts are very sharp, all one needs is good painting skills to get an impressive result. And like you say, the work to get them replacing the original plastic can be daunting. Of course there are several that are actually drop fit parts that really enhance, and in the 109 G kit I can recommend the exhaust stacks

  4. Very nice indeed - I like the brake-lines you added!

  5. Well done George, like the paint scheme you did on this G-6 model

  6. Really sharp 109 George and i love your choice of markings.

  7. Looks great George!

  8. Nicely done, an unusual scheme, woof woof!

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