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Jeremy Millan
17 articles

1/48 Tamiya Nakajima Ki-84 Hayate (Frank)

June 24, 2020 · in Aviation · · 15 · 2.4K


I'm new to iModeler and a beginner model maker. This is my first post so be easy on me. Not sure if this is where I'm suppose to post but here it it.

Old kit I had fun making. Not much detail and the fit wasn't great but it turned out ok. Wish it had more recessed panel lines. It didn't come out perfect or 100% accurate but I still had a good time making it. I think it needs more weathering.


I tagged this to the and added some more pics. Wish I would of done a WIP with photos.

Frank was painted with Tamiya AS-12 from the can then airbrushed highlights with Mr. Color Silver 8. I also airbrushed the “Meatballs” with a stencil I made at work on the vinyl cutter using oromask 810 film. For the Aotake color in the landing gear bay I airbrushed Testors metallic green (looks more turquoise in person). A little bit of soft pastels was used for weathering and EZ-line finished it off for the rigging.

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9  Awesome

6 additional images. Click to enlarge.

15 responses

  1. Nice job and welcome. You'll enjoy it here. Can't wait to see more.

  2. Nice work! The trick with weathering is kinda the same as distance running: start slow and taper! Don't overdo it, but build up your skill a little at a time. Welcome aboard!

  3. Nicely done, looks great, and welcome aboard!

  4. Welcome aboard this friendly site. I started up modeling more or less by posting here, and got a very warm welcome. If this is indeed one of your first builds I have to say you are off to a great start! Well done @jmillan

    I had a lot of fun using groups, and you may find it useful to perhaps start a build-log in one of the groups. You may also want to tag this one for the Empire of Japan group build - check groups to see if it is of interest to you.

    • Thank you Erik! I been looking at the Empire of Japan group build regularly. There's some nice ones in there. Wish i would of done a build log for this one. I was thinking of joining the group build but felt kind of intimidated.

      • Jeremy, @jmillan
        Welcome to Imodeler !

        You are more than welcome to join us at the Empire of Japan. No need to feel intimidated, I'm the moderator that started the group. You will find this is a very friendly website for the most part. Once in a while we will get into a disagreement, but lately it has been very peaceful and a rare event.

        You did a fantastic job with your Ki-84.

  5. Welcome, Jeremy. @jmillan
    You did a great job on this build.
    I also just recently joined iModeler but I have to say that I already learned a lot by posting and reading the groups.
    Hope to see some more work from you soon.

  6. You say you’re a beginning modeler but you sure fooled me. You nailed that all metal finish like a seasoned pro.

    I agree with the comment by Erik above. You should check out the Japanese group build and show this bird off.

    Keep’m coming!

  7. Welcome to site. That is a very nice build.

  8. Thanks for the welcoming comments guys!

  9. Nice job on this Jeremy! I did this kit way back in the '80's and liked it.

  10. Fantastic job, Jeremy!
    Looking forward to your next build.
    Welcome aboard!

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