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Scott Nelson
133 articles

Gentile’s P-51

September 23, 2020 · in Aviation · · 10 · 2K

Here's my interpretation of 's P-51 “Shangri-La” using the kit. It's another build from some years ago to add to my iModeler archive. I used the Aires cockpit set for this one.

Reader reactions:
11  Awesome

7 additional images. Click to enlarge.

10 responses

  1. Mighty fine Mustang!

  2. Nice build, and nice kit. You did a good job on this one!

  3. Great looking Mustang, Scott.

  4. Excellent model out of a solid kit, Scott!

  5. A STUNNING rendition of the famous Gentile mount. You achieved a beautiful finish. Well done!

  6. A great mustang - well done!

  7. Very nice overall result here.

  8. 🙂 ... Greetings ... 🙂 :
    Nicely done Scott, the weathering, subtle yet well applied and very convincing .
    The Shangri-La was the first 1/32 scale model by Revell I built, just seeing this one brings back memories. I am getting my supplies ready to build another 1/32 scale model of this one but it wont be the Revell make. I already have the decals. Hope to get at it soon.

  9. Thanks for the compliments, everyone. I am always humbled that people would take the time to comment so favorably on my work.

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