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Charles King
130 articles

Tight Squeeze

September 15, 2020 · in Diorama · · 19 · 1.9K

This build is still being worked on. I still have to add insignia to the 144L front grill and a little more wash and one or two details.

The title 'tight squeeze' relates to the awesomeness of how the driver managed to back in his trailer into a docking bay whose entry way is almost as wide as the trailer itself. This proves how experience the driver is with his . As you can see, the truck has been used heavily, judging by the wear and tear on the paint job. Or it could be that it was a bad paint job. I'll let the viewer decide for themselves.

Reader reactions:
12  Awesome

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19 responses

  1. Awesome! Super creative! Cool!

    Brian Riedel

  2. Very cool! Makes me claustrophobic just looking at it!

  3. I have seen that! Once I was walking home late at night from work. Deep snow and all. A truck with a trailer is snaking into a loading bay but not really making it where the driver wants it. Se he is maneuvering and wiggling all over but not really getting closer to the goal. After a very long time (I just had to stand and watch this wrestling game take place, hoping for it to end well..) he managed to coax the huge rig to its right place. I think I was as happy as the driver must have been.

    Looking good as always, Charles. You always come up with very interesting compositions and little stories.

  4. Your nickname should be The Godfather of Grunge! I always marvel at the perfection of your weathering techniques. I got excited scrolling down to this post. I knew it was yours instantly!

  5. Ho hum. Another Charles King masterpiece. (that's actually very very difficult to do - achieve this level of creativity and talent and skill repeatedly)

  6. The King rules again! I what happened to the paint, there was no ma back guiding the driver.

    • I am guessing there were two persons outside both sides of the building to make sure he stayed cleared of the sides. One person at the rear, inside to guide him using a radio system to communicate with him. I have seen a photo(s), of heavy transport being backed into a similar tight space. Its incredible how they do it. That photo(s) gave me the inspiration to do the same.

  7. This is a wonderful build, Charles!
    What I love the most, is that you depict everyday scenarios and you model them in such a way that a viewer cannot really tell if he/she is looking at the model or at a rela photo,

  8. This is very cool. Have a few questions, is the whole rig built and parked inside ? How deep is this diorama ? More fotos please. Great concept for a wall mounted display. Cheers

    • Hi Gordon Enquist. Appreciate your positive comment. The build is not very deep. The whole thing is made of xps form. The depth is the depth of the Italeri scania tractor. I had to cut the length of the Italeri container trailer to the exact length of the tractor itself, i. Order to fit it into place. So, inside is not perfect. But it doesn't matter, when it is not going to be seen. At this moment in time, I'm planning to redo the front of the building with a loading dock instead. But i have been busy finishing off other projects. But will get back to it later. So no photos yet.

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