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Jeff Groves
53 articles

Boeing F4B-1 Conversion in 1/72 Scale

October 8, 2020 · in Aviation · · 15 · 2.5K

This is a conversion of the Monogram F4B-4 kit which back-dates it to the earlier F4B-1 using the RareBits vacuform fuselage and a Radial Engines & Wheels resin Pratt & Whitney R-1340 Wasp radial engine. Not overly difficult and the result is version which you don't see much at the model shows. I scratchbuilt a cockpit and added lots of plumbing to the engine. The aircraft is marked as the Squadron Commander's aircraft from VF-5 “Red Rippers” assigned to the USS Lexington (CV-2) in 1932. The decals were sourced from several Starfighter Decals sheets. The last two pictures compare the F4B-1 to the stock Monogram F4B-4.

A short construction thread is posted here:

Reader reactions:
6  Awesome

10 additional images. Click to enlarge.

15 responses

  1. This is just astounding work. I still can't believe it's 1/72 scale. Beautifully executed in every respect.

  2. Nice Work I really like all those Yellow Wings between the wars. Yours looks great, for me even more so because of the extra work and the fact that it is in the Braille Scale.

  3. Very cool to see the evolution. Great conversion of metal to fabric fuselage.
    A real beauty looks like one of those Fairy Flyswatters.

  4. Great work and a super result.

    I really hope one of the Ukrainian companies does this in 1/48.

  5. I love it! Beautiful build Jeff. I love the lesser known between the wars aircraft.

  6. Unbelievable this is just 1/72.
    Outstanding build, Jeff.

  7. Truly excellent, Jeff!
    Congratulations on this conversion!

  8. Another beauty in your growing collection! Love that exposed radial engine hanging off the front-end!

  9. This is an awesome project, Jeff (@inchhigh), even if it does have one too many wings. :o)

  10. Lovely little things Jeff, well done.

  11. Great Job! Details look clean and realistic.

  12. 🙂 ... Greetings ... 🙂 :
    These are pure joy to watch Jeff.
    Very good work in all aspects ... much so when the scale is considered.
    Who said MONOGRAM is gone ?

  13. Another great job Jeff, you really have a knack for taking those old Monogram kits to a new level.

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