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Eric Berg
50 articles

1/48 Hobby Boss EMB-314 Tucano

November 30, 2020 · in Aviation · · 10 · 2.9K

I built this Hobby Boss Brazilian EMB-314 Super about 4 years ago or so. I think this plane is a strong candidate for one of the most attractive aircraft currently in production and deserves a little attention.

The is a light attack turboprop designed and built by Brazilian aircraft manufacturer and is based on their EMB-312 Tucano. It's also known as the A-29 by the USAF who purchased a small handful for training purposes in 2019. The 314 is extremely popular with many South American and Middle Eastern air forces and is quite an accomplished airshow performer.

Hobby Boss made a few errors in the accuracy department, mostly in the nose wheel well and the shape of the Tucano's belly. I forgot to take notes, but I recall doing a little surgery on the well and attempted a reshape on the belly but realized it needed way more help than that. I also used Quickboost exhaust pipes.

The kit assembled rather painlessly and was a fun project. Plus it looks accurate enough for me. As far as I know, Hobby Boss is the only game in town if you want a Tucano in 48th scale.

All comments appreciated.

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11  Awesome 1 

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10 responses

  1. Excellent Eric, and I agree, cool looking little plane. So weird how it's so similar to a Texan II. Thanks for sharing.

  2. That is one slick plane, Carioca style !
    Beautiful job Eric. It looks like the real thing.

  3. Great subject, Eric @eb801!

    I love the looks of the Tucano, and it's so nice to see kits of it built.

    The camo is so beautiful, setting it apart from the usual (boring) modern grays...

    You've done an excellent job on it, camo and weathering included!

    And very it's good that you improved on the (usual) Trumpeter pitfalls (I don't mind tackling any kit, no matter how inaccurate, but, isn't it strange to make such a big investment in a new mold kit AND not having thorough research on it? - which, I believe, is not that costly, especially compared with the big cost of setting up a production line for the kit and, after the molds are finalized, it's difficult to go back and correct/improve. Getting it right first time is the trick).

    Anyway, your Tucano looks splendid, and thanks for sharing with us!

  4. Looks great! And I agree with you on this one, it looks like one of HB best kits even with a few mistakes

  5. Nicely done Eric she looks good in camo dress.

  6. Well done on this Tucano, Eric.
    That scheme makes it even look better than it already is.

  7. Lovely Tucano! Love the scheme - I'd like to do a Brazilian in 1/72 for my S. American project. Nicely done!

  8. All of the above, great job!

  9. Beautiful Tucano! Keep up the excellent work!

  10. Thanks everybody for the compliments.

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