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George Henderson
67 articles


December 29, 2020 · in Aviation · · 38 · 2.2K

My most prolific year ever; not because of the obvious but this is the first time I have built similar kits in tandem

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8  Awesome

38 responses

  1. Good job! Nine is a pretty prolific year. Nice work on one and all. I enjoy seeing different versions of the same plane.

  2. Nice work George. That checkerboard 104 is some most impressive decal work. They're all good.

    • Thank you Tom. I had the decals for years, very leery of that long fuselage decal. For whatever reason, Leading Edge included two full sheets though one of them had a small printing issue but that saved my bacon when I slightly screwed up the first long decal and I used the good part of the spare decal

  3. Very nice set, George.
    My preference also goes to the 104's, with the checkerboard one on the first place.
    Best wishes.

  4. Excellent models, George!

  5. What a great year of builds, George! All wonderful - but the 'captured' builds are my faves!

  6. Very productive, batch building obviously paid dividends.

  7. Loved the Canadian 104s, and learned something new with that Typhoon FR. Thanks for sharing, George.

  8. George (@blackadder57), it was a pleasure to follow your builds in the Groups section. Thank you for sharing.

  9. One great build followed by another George, they’re all great looking aircraft. I’m kinda leaning towards the CF-104D trainer myself.

  10. Nice collection and productivity for 2020 George. Well done.

  11. Great collection, very colorful subjects
    Regards Djordje

  12. George, @blackadder57
    You have built some wonderful models ! I also use the "Iron Werke" style of building and will typically have more than one of the same kind of plane on the bench at the same time. It works for me, and it looks like it works good for you too.

    You have had a very productive year... and a very nice collection to show. Thanks for all of your work for our Empire of Japan group. The trio of Zeros was a welcome addition. Hey that was a rhyme ! Trio of Zero 🙂

    I pressed the "liked" button too.

    Happy New Year ! 🙂

  13. Great group of builds. Love those Zeros especially. Happy New Year!

  14. All positive waves, woof,woof!

  15. Great collection and a little history of the Zero's or rather the capture of the Zero's and the new markings add by the Allies.

    I really like the Typhoon George, I have been following some YouTube posts by a Canadian out fit that is rebuilding a Typhoon back to its former glory. The collection of parts that they have accumulated from a wreck or wrecks would be more appropriate is amazing and together with drawings and computers they plan on building a flyer. A group in the U.K. is doing the same. Both groups have a Napier Sabre engines too.
    The Typhoons had an appalling record for being shot down some 65 percent of the planes that went up where brought down. Although, they where effective in taking out ground targets with their cannons and rockets.

  16. Hello George,
    Nice squadron of airplanes. I hope you allow me, to pick my favorite ones: "The Widow makers"
    also called the flying rocket, or just F-104.
    Best Wishes to all of you.
    Regards, Dirk.

  17. Great work George! All great builds! For the first time, I tried building a couple of duplicate subjects (Phantoms) and I must say, I did get confused a few times! In fact, I remember that I swapped a few parts accidentally, but they were insignificant enough that I left them as they were (I doubt even "rivet counters" could spot the mistake)! However, it did make me want to try it again...

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