Tamiya Bf-109E-4
I am in the middle of building an old Monogram 1/48 B-17 and got frustrated by some paint issues. I decided to take a break, and do a quick uncomplicated build. I have an old Cutting Edge Bf 109E sheet (CED48189). There was one bird in particular that I really wanted to build, but it was a E-3. I had two E-4's in my stash and no E-3's. So basically I just said f#@% it and used one of my E-4 kits to build. The only real deviation from the basic kit is a True Details resin pilot's seat with molded seat belts. it is a quick and relatively easy substitute for the plastic seat and decal belts from Tamiya.
The build was pretty uneventful, and aside from positioning the rudder and tail wheel I also added brake lines on the main gear.
I have really come to hate decals. These decals were really nice, except so thin that they would break apart with the slightest push or pull. The directions say use a mild decal softener like Miro-Sol. I should have read them before I used them, I used Tamiya Mark Fit and Solvaset. One or both of them caused the decals to wrinkle. I did my best to work around the problem but when you look close you can see the wrinkles because even with the clear coat the picked up some of the wash. Still overall I am very happy with the results. I am not a 109 junky or specialist I just like the looks and markings of this plane and am pretty happy with the finished work.
It could have been an E-3 that got it's canopy replaced, as often happened. Yeah, that's your story and I know you'll stick to it.
Nice work .The BoB is an interesting period as the Luftwaffe tries to find a camouflage that works. Lots of variations.
Thanks Tom, I am not enough of an expert to know all the subtle differences, but I can go with the story that its an E-3 with an E-4 canopy! As for the camouflage I love all the variation available to us at this time. This bird started with the high hard demarcation for the upper colors that appears to have had a field application of RLM 02 down the sides with mottling of RLM 74. I love that look.
Walt, the major difference is the hood/windscreen, and they were often replaced in the field as Tom also points out. So that was what happened!
Very interesting choice of decals @luftwaffe-birdman. Doing a quick run on your pictures I would not have noticed the wrinkles. Very nice plane you made here. Should you ever have the need of a clear sprue from Tamiya for a 109E in the future just PM me - I just may have one or two I can spare
Great result, Walt @luftwaffe-birdman!
Love the camo!
Wonderful "lived in" cockpit. Yes Decals! I use Revell decal soft. I tried Humbrol stuff but it lifted the paint! Feel your pain, especially long walk/don't walk lines. I have spent more on after market decals than on kits because I've made an a**e of applying them!
Very nice, Walt.
A great camouflage indeed.
E3 or E4 doesn't matter, it just looks great.
Great looking Emil! Really great markings on the bottom of the nose.
Those lips on the cowl really bring to life the phrase "kiss of death". Great job.
Looks great! Paint work is very realistic.
Nicely done Walt she looks good.
Very nice build!
That's a great build, nicely photographed too. Love the "F*g"!